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News: Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.

00:00:30UncleRobotI know CPR...
18:39:34Chadm1nSpammers must die. Now.
16:56:16Chadm1nAs promised a few weeks ago, Webcomics Community has been upgraded!

Author Topic: So you have a webcomic. Now what?  (Read 3947 times)

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Offline AndToBeLoved

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    • And To Be Loved
So you have a webcomic. Now what?
« on: November 17, 2012, 01:49:39 AM »
Do you maaaybe find yourself wishing that:

1.Your pageviews would miraculously increase?
2.Your "Comments" section would live up to its name?
3.Your Facebook fans included more than you, your characters, and your mom?
4.You could bitch, moan, and rejoice with other comic creators?
5.You could be exposed to useful critique, rather than the "It sucks" or "Cute ^.^" kinds of feedback?

Well, then…JOIN!


P.S. Aside from general comic chatter and advice trading, we will be spotlighting a different comic each week. If you would like your comic spotlighted, you must visit the chosen comic of the week, flip through a few pages (we recommend no less than 20), and offer a short critique via a Facebook post.