
Webcomics beget Webcomics!

Ni men hao

Started by Xiao Mao, February 25, 2011, 03:34:50 AM

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Xiao Mao


I am Xiao Mao, creator of the webcomic 14 Nights,

A little about me: I am a 24 year old American ex-pat living in Shenyang, China. My Chinese name means "Kitten." I like to drink tea every day at least three times. My favorite musician is Susumu Hirasawa. As for my personality, you will have to discover that from my posts!


Hi Xiao, welcome to the site.

I had a quick look at your comic, I dig your art style :)

Xiao Mao

Thank you!
I like the fact that your comic is about kitty cats =^_^=


Hi there! Love the flowing lines and expressions in your comic. :)

And that's cool your name means kitten. I have two cats... although my comic isn't about cats... although I'm almost always covered in at least one layer of cat hair.

Does that count?


Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy your time here.  ;)

Xiao Mao

Quote from: ShadowsMyst on February 25, 2011, 02:14:14 PM
Hi there! Love the flowing lines and expressions in your comic. :)

And that's cool your name means kitten. I have two cats... although my comic isn't about cats... although I'm almost always covered in at least one layer of cat hair.

Does that count?

Everything cat-related counts.

*waves to Rob* Hello!