
Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.

Guest Strips for Remedial Comics

Started by Rob, April 02, 2011, 12:59:45 PM

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Hey guys...

sorry I haven't been around much. It's nice to see the place is still chugging along without my firm hand.

The reason I haven't been around much is due to some tectonic changes in my life. I'm going back to school. I quit my bus driver job and I'm moving from Connecticut to San Diego... tomorrow.

So you can expect that I won't be around much for the next few weeks. But then... I should be around a bit more. My school schedule is only 1-5 mon-fri so even with the part time job I'll be looking for I should have lot's of free time to improve the site and work on comics in general.

In case you are curious here is where I'll be going to school...

So back to the topic of this post.

Remedy is coming up on the end of it's first major storyline in a couple weeks. For the most part the story is over I'm just wrapping up some epilogue and foreshadowing stuff.

After the final comic of the story we'll be taking a 2 week break to catch our breath, plot the next tale and work on a few things that we've wanted to work on for awhile. So we're looking for guest content to fill the gaps.

Let me lay out the guidelines. Nothing X-rated or overly vulgar. No explicit nudity. Swearing is ok as long as it isn't excessive. Use good judgement. The image must be no larger than 800 pixels wide when saved for the web (the final jpeg, gif or png image) and it would be easier on us if it was exactly 800 pixels because if it is less we will just have to add a background around it to make it 800. You can go as long as you want (within reason) in height as our website scales to height. But the width is fixed at 800 px.

I'll need the comics by two weeks from Tomorrow! That's Sunday April 17th. There is some wiggle room if you're almost done and just need a day or two but for the most part that's when I need them by. You can do a guest comic for Remedy, Wonder Weenies or Badly Written Badly Drawn if you just have a tasteless joke with bad art that isn't relevant to Remedy or WW. Do check out Remedy and WW and BWBD so your comic is in context with the existing comics (or at least tangentially related).

Please send your comics or any questions you may have to [email protected] and copy it to [email protected] so that Corey is cognizant of what is going on in case I'm incommunicado (I have 3k miles to drive in the next few days and a new home to move into and school to start... I may be a touch busy).

That's it for now. If anything goes wonky with the site Chadm1n will be keeping an eye on things so feel free to go on with things as usual. And wish me luck. Thanks.


I've got a couple of extra projects I'm working on at the moment, but I'll definitely try and get something done for you guys  :)


I've sent word to my artists to see who has some time to do a page so I should know soon if I can get something in. I hope your trip has gone well!


I'm in Holbrook Arizona right now in a hotel and about to pass out for around 10 hours. I've got about 12 hours left on my drive (including gas and bathroom and food oh my!) until I reach the house where I'll be living in San Diego. Probably around 2 PM Pacific time tomorrow.

Last leg of the journey and so far things have gone surprisingly well. Thanks for the guest comix and well wishes.


Good luck with the unpacking Rob!

I've got Rowel working on a page for Remedy, I'll give you and Corey a shout-out when it's ready.


Thanks man. Almost done unpacking. As always there are many loose ends. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Thanks.  ;)

