Top 5 Webcomics You Never Miss But Aren't Well known

Started by Rob, January 14, 2010, 12:17:39 AM

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A couple of these have already been said, but I can't reiterate enough how awesome these comics are.

Roza - Simply beautiful and charming.

Family Man - Great art, intriguing story, can't wait to see where it's going.

Dovecote Crest - Probably the most precious character-driven comic I've ever come across.

... I'll add more when I stop having trouble deciding between them.


Hm, how do you quantify well known? Anyway I guess this is my list.

1. Tales from Overside - Evan Dahm's follow up to Rice Boy
2. Moon Town - Yeah it's my buddy Steve Ogden, but I still would never miss it even if I didn't know him.
3. Gill - I loved that strip too. Bummed Norm couldn't keep it going.
4. By Moon Alone - by HAI
5. Imy by Irma Eriksson - I'm not normally a reader of this type of strip, but something about it is charming, plus I like Irma :)


Dovecote Crest?  Yes yes yes!  I just found something new to add to my repertoire =D


Restricting it to rather unknown comics that are still regularly updating:

1) Edmund Finney's Quest to Find the Meaning of Life (two updates a week) On his trips around the world, Edmund makes random encounters with quirky travellers or natives. THE BEST COMIC STRIP ON THE WEB!

2) Commander Kitty (one update a week) tells the humorous story of a feline space ranger and his crew on a dangerous mission. A lot of thought went into the world and character design and the comic manages to be exciting and still deliver a joke on nearly every page.

3) Life Ain't no Pony Farm (two updates a week) is a journal-style comedy comic by the German artist Sarah Burrini, featuring herself and a bunch of talking animals as her roommates.

4) Luke Surl (three updates a week): Cartoons in the tradition of The Far Side with intelligent jokes outside the box, but the artwork needs improving...


Oh I like Commander Kitty. Great art style. I tried to get Scott to join here but I don't think he ever came by.  :-\

Great comic though.

teh hchano

I can only link comics I read... and I really don't read that many right now =(

Panthera -- This is currently my fave. It's basically an elite[ish] team of teens
who are given the ability to control elements and change into super awesome
jungle cats. The characters are surprisingly well done, and I found myself really
attached to all of them pretty quickly lol.

Dreamless -- Don't know if this is an 'unknown' or not, but it is my second fave
right now. The art is done by the girl who does The Phoenix Requiem, and the
story done by the guy who did Marry Me and Last Blood [two other great comics
but probably more well known]. I am a sucker for doomed love, so this is a great
read imo.

Toilet Genie -- I just found this like a week ago, but I am already wanting to read
more. Dunno if anyone here is into manga, but there was this one called Guru Guru
Pon-chan where the puppy was turned into a human girl and fell in love with her
neighbour. Lmao. This comic reminds me of that a bit, only the girl is way better
at being human than Ponchan was... Def worth a read. The art is really fun.

Fey Winds   -- the art is really cute in this. The storyline is mostly jokes and parodies,
but every now and then they break into a really serious section of story. It is what
sucked me in lol. Also, the main chick is an adorable fox woman with freckles.

I don't think I read any others that are underdogs... The only other two comics
I check very often are are Phoenix Requiem and The Meek...and those are mostly
for the art lol.

- it's a comic, ya'll 8D


I'd think Dreamless was more known than Last Blood or Marry Me. I used to read Marry Me, but the update schedule took far too long for me. Did they finish it or something?

Not sure if I really want to go back to reading Bobby Crosby stuff, though. The person has kinda scared me off from the work.
I'm so optimistic, my blood type is 'B Positive'!


Marry Me finished its original run, the story intended for the potential movie, which I liked quite a bit.  However, It's been updating VERY infrequently with a bonus story, that in my opinion isn't nearly as good as the rest of it.

Yes, Bobby Crosby can be...intimidating, but don't let that keep you from reading a genuinely good webcomic like Dreamless.  Just, you know, avoid the comments section if you need to.


Alright, I'll add it to my 'to-read' list and just start treating Bobby Crosby like the webcomics version of Mad Mel Gibson.
I'm so optimistic, my blood type is 'B Positive'!

teh hchano

ROTFL omg, I know. The guy is a total nutcase. He really flips his
shit over the most ridiculous of things. I sort of admire that, though.
He's not afraid to speak his mind. I am like that too, but I actually
know when it's best to keep my mouth shut. He just has this 'fuck
all' attitude, like he doesn't care if you read it  or not, and I find
this incredibly amusing.

I guess Dreamless prolly would be riding off the TPR waves though...
she does link it off her main page... =(

It's a good read though. And you don't really have to read the comments
anyway. That's the only place you see his implosions lol.

- it's a comic, ya'll 8D


I've found five in my RSS feeds that I don't think anyone's mentioned yet and probably aren't too well known to count.

Between Failures updates three days a week in colour but started off in black in white. It's set in a store called Megatainment and follows the goings on of the staff there. There's an interesting bunch of characters and has some very funny lines. Not something for people that like their stories to move fast though. One day in comic time takes a lot of pages.

Milo the Cloud is a cute comic about a talking cloud, a talking balloon and a rather insane bird. It varies between simple one off joke strips and longer story arcs and updates every Monday and Tuesday.

Out at Home is a fantastic comic that follows the Beckett family, headed by Herman, who's a retired baseball player, extremely rich and famous are may as well be on another planet. Updates three times a week.

Zoology is set in a zoo and is mostly about the lives of the various animals there, although the zoo keepers do get some attention too. It jumps between characters a lot and there's a lot of variance between how human their lives are, with some species wearing clothes while others don't and some characters going to school or work while others never leave their pen. One of the animal cast even has a radio show that one of the keepers has listened to on at least one occasion. It updates three times a week in black and white.

Quick Shots is the one I've been reading the longest out of these and is one that I actually did a guest strip for quite a while back. It's a single panel gag strip that has a couple of recurring characters. All the people have rectangular heads and one eye, which I've never asked about but I probably should. It doesn't have a constant update schedule but there's an archive of over 400 of them now, so it's not as if there isn't already a lot of it to read.