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Started by Mojo Myers, April 30, 2012, 03:38:07 PM

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Mojo Myers

"The Gifted, the Rebel, the Faithful, and the Hero. These four individuals may think they serve no unique purpose in this choatic world, but little do they know that they will soon take part in one of the biggest movements the Earth (and a few other places) have ever experienced. It will be adventurous, it will be life-changing, and it will be bloody. But most of all, it will be up to these few to determine how to save the people they love from the purest forms of evil slowly preparing to reveal themselves to the world. And it all begins with a little stroll in Central Park..."

Mid-Evil is a Work-In-Progress Graphic Novel of mine that has been in development for the past five years (and it will take probably many more to complete it). My goal is to have this story published and printed so it can be on bookshelves everywhere, but for now, I'm going to take this process one baby step at a time. Mid-Evil tells the story of an alternate take on the year 2012, and it's going to end a lot crazier than the Mayans or Nostradamus could've ever predicted. It is currently in hiatus at the moment, and the site will be re-designed by the end of summer 2012. Since I'm just finishing my first year of attending the Savannah College of Art and Design, there are going to be plenty more hiatuses to come, but they are only used to fully complete chapters, which I'm currently doing right now. Right now, the first few chapters of Volume 1 are being assembled, with only Chapter 1 officially finished. For the first chapter, I used Sketchbook Pro for the line work and I used Corel Painter 11 for all of the colors and lettering. But now, I have completely turned myself over to Photoshop in all it's glory, and I will not turn away from it.

That being said, I don't have that much to show, but I do have some promotional banners, illustrative covers and a page or two to give you an idea of what's in store. Go ahead, have a look.

Well I hope this has convinced you to have a look. You can read Mid-Evil here:

See y'all later
~ Mojo Myers


wow, gorgeous artwork!