
Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.

Yo, Lo speaking

Started by Lo, May 04, 2014, 11:12:10 AM

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Hey hey!

Like some of you this is my first webcomic. I am still battling with wordpress and comiceasel, which are awesome, but new to me.

This is my first experience in sharing things like that and I am totally scared that I could do anything super awkward at any step of the process :-X

Breath as a Fire Hazard is an unserious comic about philosophy and cognition. Biased individuals try to find reliable structures in a universe of ever increasing entropy and a sense of purpose in a society which does not believe in collective intelligence.

Breath as a Fire Hazard @

The comic has a twitter:

Thank you for having read this!
Have a nice day!