
Webcomics beget Webcomics!

O Hay Thar

Started by Yamino, January 10, 2010, 10:01:49 AM

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You really need to get off that Penguin's jock man. It's starting to become embarrassing.


Menz: Because GIMP just doesn't cut it for what I do. XD;  And as previously stated: No Garagaband! T_T


Hey Yamino. I love your comic.

Quote from: MenZ on January 23, 2010, 02:29:38 AM
Why choose PC or Mac? Take the right path and go with Linux!


Don't you run the Linux OS on a PC?  :-\

I don't know how well a Mac compares to a PC myself, because all I got is an unfair comparison. I used Macs at school, but they never worked properly and crashed all the time due to poor maintainence on my school's part. Opposed to that my experience with PCs is entirely positive. I often just assume all the people whose PCs break on them are doing something wrong because it's never happened to me. But judging by how people feel about PCs I am probably just the exception to the rule.
I'm so optimistic, my blood type is 'B Positive'!


Terrific Art, Yamino! Your color is FANTABULOUS.