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Started by ran, January 13, 2010, 06:26:51 PM

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Hey all, if there's one thing I've found myself increasingly interested in in the past little while, it's streaming. I find that streaming on a day on a weekend gets a hell of a lot of work done, and keeps me focused throughout the week. So, be it LiveStream, UStream, etc., do you stream and where? How often? About what?

I share a channel over at livestream with my husband and best friend. I mostly CG random art, film colouring with markers, my husband rambles and discusses things, and my best friend either draws in the background or CGs comic pages. I'm also planning on hosting a couple contests and commission giveaways to liven things up.

So here's my info:

Schedule: Usually Sunday afternoon/evening. Special or off schedule events are announced on twitter/deviantart in advance.
Old episodes archived? Yes! But some of them are suuuuper long.

Now show me yours!

Schedule: Watch Twitter, I send a tweet whenever I stream. Haven't been able to do it recently due to time.


We actually will be having a fairly special article on this subject... hopefully soon.

I can tell you no more... the dogs have my scent and I must flee!


Streaming would actually help me a LOT with productivity (it was pretty fun the couple times I tried it with success), but my PC just can't handle it. I plan on getting a new one pretty soon, however, and then I'll be streaming ALL THE TIME.

Things to keep an eye on:

Schedule: whenever I tweet "HAY I AM STREAMIN"

Not very likely to talk, but very likely to play good music. :>


Hey guys, I'm not really feeling my greatest today, so I'm probably not going to post this up on deviantart, but if you're interested, I'm going to be colouring live at for the next 4 or 5 hours in about 5 minutes.

I might not be super talkative, but I'll answer any questions you have, as well as play some awesome music while I work.