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Music While Arting

Started by raerae, February 17, 2010, 01:19:22 PM

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While I can work without music, I do enjoy listening to music while drawing or coloring. Usually it's Japanese music, but I'll also listen to Celtic music or instrumentals(usually ones with a fast beat).

So what kind of music do you listen to while drawing?


I have very eclectic taste in music. I like everything from heavy metal to country. I don't care for rap or hip hop. Other than that I like most stuff.

While drawing (or writing, or programming) I tend towards quieter music. Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash tend to come up frequently. I like a lot of African music. Franco (Sorcer Of The Guitar) and Ladysmith Black Mambazo are favorites. Sometimes I'm in the mood for some Gregorian Chants. Not very often, mind you. ;-)

If I'm in a metal mood, I'll turn on last-fm and set up a Motorhead channel. I also like '80s German heavy metal.

I'm kind of all over the map, I guess, but I do enjoy having SOME kind of music playing.


Metal. Right now I'm really into The Human Equation by Ayreon--it's a rock opera with guest singers from a bunch of metal and other groups (like the lead singer from Dream Theater) about a guy who's in a coma after an accident. The songs are different facets of himself arguing with himself, trying to wake himself up and his wife, father and best friend visit him in the hospital. It's super epic, and you can totally find it as a playlist on youtube if you're interested in checking it out.


It varys for me. My play list has far too much stuff for it's own good. Lots of video game BGMs including Grandia, Lunar series,  Chrono Cross, Sonic and  Parodius, remixes of classical and romatic period music, Aya Matsuura, Browny Circus, Shakalabbits, Bare Naked Ladies, Aqua Lung,  Eminem,  almost anything with the Vocaloids but mostly Len/Rin Kagamine, Miku and Gakupo.

Very odd indeed.


For me it depends on the nature of the comic. I listen to literally just about every type of music out there. As long its a good song with sensible lyrics. For example if the comic is of a mare action like nature I will listen to something a bit more angry and fast paced. For anything tragic I'll play something slow and depressing :P. Just depends what I happen to be working on :).


Quote from: SleepyKiks on February 17, 2010, 03:57:08 PM
It varys for me. My play list has far too much stuff for it's own good. Lots of video game BGMs including Grandia, Lunar series,  Chrono Cross, Sonic and  Parodius, remixes of classical and romatic period music, Aya Matsuura, Browny Circus, Shakalabbits, Bare Naked Ladies, Aqua Lung,  Eminem,  almost anything with the Vocaloids but mostly Len/Rin Kagamine, Miku and Gakupo.

Very odd indeed.

Haa, Chrono Cross has some of my favorite arting music. :3


My music in general would probably be considered pretty eclectic. When I'm planning and scripting and sketching all day I'll usually listen to trance, dance, symphonic metal and classical, soft ethnic(afro celt soundsystem kinda thing) kind of stuff. When I'm settling in the long haul and inking/filling/flatting/doing easy shading it's usually more active stuff like modern alt rock(Seattle flavor stuff) and metal and rock/punk like Flogging Molly to keep me interested and singing along during the tedious bits.

Please don't feed the ancient deities.


When I listen to music I tend to go for folk and folk rock (Tanglefoot, Oysterband, Great Big Sea), but to keep myself entertained while drawing I listen more to podcasts and audiobooks. Hooray for, provider of instant-gratification audiobook entertainment! And also my local library, if I'm willing to be more patient. ^_^


I can't listen to podcasts and such if I actually want to listen to them, because half the time I tend to tune the out background noises like music anyway.


I'm the kind of person who needs background noise, or my mind just trails off... It depends on the month. This month I'm all into Daft Punk (Alive 2007). A couple of months ago it was... ABBA. And Queen. And the pillows. I have weird tastes.  ???


Quote from: ran on February 17, 2010, 03:02:13 PM
Metal. Right now I'm really into The Human Equation by Ayreon--it's a rock opera with guest singers from a bunch of metal and other groups (like the lead singer from Dream Theater) about a guy who's in a coma after an accident. The songs are different facets of himself arguing with himself, trying to wake himself up and his wife, father and best friend visit him in the hospital. It's super epic, and you can totally find it as a playlist on youtube if you're interested in checking it out.
I am totally sold on this.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

I'm one of those people with a very wide range of music tastes.  I'll listen to anything from jazz and new age to punk and death metal.  But I have to have something on, especially when I'm writing.  It's one of the two things I need.  The other is a cup of coffee (or, if it's later at night, some chamomile tea).


If I listen to music at all, I will listen to Eels (the greatest band of all time), Soul Coughing/Mike Doughty's Solo Work or Counting Crows.

I usually don't listen to music at all though, because I find it distracting. I'm often reminded of a page in the Animator's Survivor Kit where one of the great Disney animation masters scolds a student when he asks "what kind of music do you listen to", screaming something like "You idiot! I'm not smart enough to do two things at once!").

Oddly enough, listening to stand up comedy shows or watching TV shows or movies on the side makes me work more efficiently. So I often end up watching Eddie Izzard shows, or Firefly, or Raiders of the Lost Ark.
I'm so optimistic, my blood type is 'B Positive'!


See, now I can't even imagine being able to get work done if I'm trying to watch TV at the same time! I know plenty of people do it, but I can't divide my attention that way.


Quote from: TTallan on February 18, 2010, 02:58:44 PM
See, now I can't even imagine being able to get work done if I'm trying to watch TV at the same time! I know plenty of people do it, but I can't divide my attention that way.

I can watch tv and draw at the same time, but only if I'm watching things with little substance. I totally recommend CSI and all its incarnations for this.


Trance. I get lost in the music and put in a "zone" of sorts. It's great for when you have to work for a while, because songs lead into each other half the time.