
Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.


Started by Tait, February 10, 2017, 09:53:47 PM

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Hello, everyone!

I create the fantasy adventure comic Pacifica!

It currently follows a young man named Gavin who becomes frustrated with his life in the small town Nook. He leaves to find a new direction for his life and soon encounters wanderers with similar goals. The comic will eventually focus on their travels as a group.

The fantasy world of the comic is loosely inspired by the Pacific northwest region of the US. I'm hoping to create a world that has its own distinct character.

The comic is still early on, but I'm trying to improve all aspects of it as I go. I'd love to get feedback, so please check it out!


Hey, everyone! Comic is still going. We're up to page 18 now. Come check it out!

Also, there's a Discord server for fans to chat and see previews.