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Dallas Webcomics Expo

Started by amanda, March 11, 2010, 06:58:30 PM

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While it's still kind of far away, the Dallas Webcomics Expo (DWEX for short) is approaching!  This will be the second annual show - last year's had a small but amazing turnout with excellent people exhibiting.

The date this for this year's convention is August 21, 2010 and it is, naturally, in Dallas.  Plenty of time to make plans to attend or exhibit!  The floorspace is larger this year, so there will be plenty of room for creators.

For more information, you can visit their website!


DWEX will be upon us in less than one month!  Anyone in the Dallas (or Texas or South Central US) planning to attend? I will have a boooooooth.  With SWAG.


I can't wait for the days when I can afford to attend more cons. Right now I'm sort of tethered to areas where I don't have to pay a lot of travel/hotel expenses.  :-\


Unfortunately, I think I'm going to miss DWEX this year.

I had a table last year and it was fun. I'd had some postcards printed up and passed them out. Finances being what they are right now (out of work), I just can't justify the cost.

I do hope that the show continues to grow, though!


Clearly I spoke too soon. :-)

With only a little over a week to go, I changed my mind and will be there after all. Curious to see how it will compare to last year.


Awesome!  It'll be fun to see you there again.


Thanks, Amanda! Same here!

I have something new to sell this year thanks to a suggestion by Rob: coloring books!


Oh wow you did that? Awesome.

One of your fans jumped right on it too.

You'll have to let me know how it sells at the show. Well, I hope.

I'd love to see how it came out. You should post some pics.

Good luck.


I posted some sample pages on The Wannabe Pirates Facebook group. I'm going to do the press check tomorrow a.m. and am looking forward to seeing how they come out.



Thanks, Rob!

I think I pulled off the Coloring Book-look pretty well. :-)

Hopefully the kids will like it!


This looks like a pretty nice convention! I'll look forward to hearing how it went for you. It might be worth putting it on my calendar for next year...

*scratches chin*


It's a cool idea that I hope gets better and better, Richard. Maybe there'll be even more webcomics-focused shows out there in the future!

Anyone interested in checking out what the coloring books look like now that they are printed (or even order one) can see the photo here!


Just out of curiosity how many did you have made in this run?

By the way... $4... Awesome price point.

And lastly I asked this at your site but I'm wondering if there is a break on shipping if more than one is ordered?

There are 2 little children in my house.  ;)


Thanks, Rob!

I'm mailing two out tomorrow a.m. for McCrary and will find out what the cost is for two. I'm sure it's cheaper than double.