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Dallas Webcomics Expo

Started by amanda, March 11, 2010, 06:58:30 PM

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Rob, add $3 for s&h for ordering two books, $11 total ($4x2 + $3).



I'm still waiting to hear how this convention went you guys.... give up the goods!


It was a fun show. Still small, but growing. Nice to get a chance to meet other webcomics people.

I had someone come in and immediately make a beeline for my table to pick up a copy of the Greyhawk graphic novel, so that was very cool. Probably the coolest for me, though, was a kid who decided to spend some of his allowance to buy a Wannabe Pirates coloring book. I was able to make more than what my table cost, so that was a win.

I shared a table with David Wilborn (who does Urban Jungle) and he was really a nice guy. Everyone I met was friendly and it was cool seeing all of the different webcomics and items they had for sale.

I loved that there was some guy there who was interested in printing or something and seemed surprised to discover that everyone at the Dallas WEBcomics Expo did their comics on the web. "Dude, it's right there in the name..." :-)