
Webcomics beget Webcomics!


Started by WilliamHuntJr, January 09, 2010, 11:24:48 AM

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Sup Dudes, I'm William Hunt Jr from Cedar Rapids Iowa. Married 7 kids and a cartoonist/comic book artist, writer, creator and owner of Outnumbered Studios. What a mouthful, starting these things off is never easy for me I'm a pretty open guy but you know the rules of the net everyone's an jerk and all your ideas suck. I do look forward to contributing to the site and hope my Ideas are warranted/welcome. I have over 10 years experience in the independent comic business. I've always had a love for comic strips so I decided to do a couple on the web since that's the natural progression of the indy market. Also that's led me to wanting to do both strip and long form as well (I am just not happy with one type of comic art) well hope to be conversating with you all very soon.
Normal people... believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
Scott Adams



I don't know what to be more impressed with. 10 Years in comics or 7 kids. Both are quite impressive.

Looking forward to your contributions. They are most certainly welcome.  ;)

Any chance we'll get any links or samples to your on line work?


Slowly but surely I will be putting up my work on my deviant art acct almost all of my work has been done by hand so it will have to be scanned in. I just started working on a fully digital bases thanks to Freddie Williams II I met him at a con and he talked about working digitally and man its a blast. As son as I have more than a company logo up Ill post a link to my deviant art acct. Strip wise you visited my site and left me an invite there to join this community. My artwork isn't solid on the strip yet its the first fully digital stuff Ive done and honestly im going to be sketching stuff out by hand and inking in photoshop till I get better.
Normal people... believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
Scott Adams