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Putting the WEB in WEBCOMIC

Started by Alectric, April 17, 2010, 04:35:08 PM

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For one of my classes we had to make a three-page rhetorical comic.  I decided to make mine about, if you already know how to make a comic, how to actually put it online as a webcomic.  It breaks it down in the way that I've come to understand, and in a way that would have been very useful for when I first wanted to start a webcomic.  I'm sure there's a lot more to be said, but I put in as much as I could fit, and it's only meant to be a brief overview anyway.  So I figure I'll post it here, and see what you guys think.  The assignment's already over, but I'm thinking about posting it on my site as an extra or something, and I want your opinion first.


Wow.. That's really great. I like that. I hope you get a good grade.

Very Nice.  ;D


Dude, this should totally run on the front page.


That's up to Alec... if you want me to frontpage it I will. Just say the word man.  ;)


Oh wow I'm front page worthy?  Yes absolutely by all means!


=D That would be a fun little front page feature for sure!

Very nice work - cute, informative, fun - and a plug for WC!  *dances*