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The End

Started by ran, May 04, 2010, 12:11:42 AM

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Just launched 30 minutes ago. I'll be updating twice a week, and I've actually worked up a month's buffer to start.
Click the link in my signature to get there!


Not much to say yet, but I like how organic your lines are! And impressive work getting the narration boxes to friendly somehow. :)
I'm so optimistic, my blood type is 'B Positive'!


Very nice on the text boxes. I like the curved, thick lines there.


The text boxes and I initially hated each other, but we've come to a mutual agreement after like a week of redoing them. I might make a tutorial when i've got a bit more free time. Thanks! =)


Your artwork has certainly made strides, even over what you were doing on Hollow. I feel so justified for harping so long to get you to move beyond your manga-influenced style. This really stands out.


The narration boxes really work well with the composition, that's some good intro  :)


Your site is very impressive.  It would make my day if you said you got the idea for the globe widget from my site.  It even has the same color scheme as mine!

Ah, you've probably never even been to my site... :-\


Outstanding to hear that you've found your mojo again.  I've always enjoyed your art, Ran, and I will enjoy seeing your writing skills on something that you like so much.  Looking forward to great things.


@Gib - Your harping did a lot to push me toward this. It also made me pretty much not online for months, but it was a nice sacrifice. But yeah, I always kind of wanted to move in this direction, but didn't feel that I could, for lack of confidence. I sure showed me!

@Alectric - I actually totally did get the idea of the globe widget from your site. The same colour picking was kind of something I had to do, though--I wanted the globe to be the same colour as the aliens in my comic (black and white with glowy cyan parts). =)

@JR - Thank you! I've never been super confident writing comics, but this is definitely a step in the right direction. Feeling more confident with every page I do.

@Gar - Thanks--I've always struggled with word bubbles, but I definitely found something that works for me.



Ack, sorry. I was grabbing everyone's names from the 'previous posts previews' below the posting box, because I was trying to finish my post before my dinner break ended, and my boss was talking to me so I was in a bit of a rush. I read the wrong one and typed out Gar, when I totally meant you. Sorry, fixing that now. =/


The starry gradient you use is a really classy background, doubly so that it fits the comic well.

Don't have much to say other than UPDATE MOAR =)

You might wanna hold off doing any real advertising or anything until you actually have a month or two worth of content, too.

Please don't feed the ancient deities.


Yeah, not really doing any real advertising that isn't just letting people I know that I have it up and running. I'm updating twice a week, so a new one goes up at midnight. =)

But yeah, if by starry gradient, you mean the website's BG, it's not actually a starry gradient--it's three layers of CSS. One BG layer (the stars), a layer anchored to the bottom that is the gradient (a semi-transparent png set on repeat right) and the glow on either side of the content on yet another layer. CSS is my friend!


Dude, this looks REALLY nice. Especially the colors. You manage to set the mood of each page really well. Also, it has a really cool "sci-fi but sort've fantasy" atmosphere to it.

The characters and space-setting have already got me hooked for the story.


This is the first time I've actually seen any of your work, and based on what's already said that I agree with there isn't much I can add. What I will say is that I love your use of soft shaded linework and really vibrant colours.