
Want to get your Webcomic Site reviewed by a professional? Volunteer your site for review in this thread!

Hello all

Started by Hjels, May 13, 2010, 12:28:12 PM

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I never have any clue what to write in these topics, but here goes...

My name is Marius, I'm 29, living in Norway, the land of when-will-it-stop-snowing!?-my-calendar-reads-may!

A while ago, I started doodling on this little comicstrip, and suddenly, I found that it was consuming alot of my time. When I reached a level where I was no longer too embarrassed to show it others, I decided to try to get some feedback on it.

It was a massacre.

The internet is a hate-full place, it turns out. But I have no problem with negative feedback, as long as it is constructive. So I tracked down this site, in the hopes of getting some advice, instead of suggestions to go hang myself, or comments about unspeakable things people are supposedly doing to my mother. Honestly, when would they ever even have had the opportunity to meet her?

Anyway, here I am in the hopes that the company of creative people, (there are creative people here right?) will give me the inspiration I need to make my little project better.

As it stands my focus is very narrow, and the finished comics only make sense if you've played and finished the video game Mass Effect 2, but I'm still looking to lock down the concept of the whole thing, and give it a wider appeal.

Anyway, that's me, hoping to find this is a community devoted to helping each other get better at what we enjoy. I've added a few of the comics here to my favorites already. :)

Dragon Powered

Welcome Marius, don't worry, we don't bite here.  Not much anyway, generally just enough to keep our egos fed.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of helpful advice here, and if you don't find what you need simply ask.  Glad to have you aboard.


Hi, Marius =D  We're a friendly sort, and you'll find some good advice and encouragement and constructive criticism if you need it.  Sorry to hear that people were jerks, but it takes all kinds to make a world.



Yeah the internet can be rather merciless. I like Mass Effect. I actually liked the first game better than the second one. The story in the second one was really full of cliché I felt.

Everyone who comes to this site with VERY few exceptions has a webcomic of their own that they put out there for the public. And people who live in glass houses don't usually throw stones. So I think you are safer here than say at the EA forums.

So welcome. Anything you need just ask.  ;)