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Amazing Adventures

Started by jwblake, June 30, 2010, 05:23:20 PM

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Greetings, all,

This is JW Blake's Dad and biggest fan.  Issue 5 of Amazing Adventures is up and available.  Query, which perhaps is not quite topical, but I'll suffer the slings, if need be.  I scanned the images and had to select that the scan would be 11x17.  The image being scanned was 11x14.  Thus, all the scans have a block of black at the bottom.  I tried "cropping" and "cutting" but the block stilll shows up.  Any suggestions on how to get rid of the block?  Am I trying to "crop" or "cut"?  I'm using Irfanview, if anyone else is, by chance.  Thanks, in any event.

JW's Dad and biggest fan.


Hello, all, JW's Dad here.  Issue 7 is up and running.  Lemme know what you think.  Thanks.

JW's Dad and biggest fan


Issue 8 is up and running.  Lemme know what you think.  thanks.



I do think his art is getting better. Might I suggest some figure drawing books. I'm not an artist myself but I found Burt Dodson's "Key's To Drawing" quite good. Just tear out the nudie pages if you're concerned about that.  ;)