
Webcomics beget Webcomics!

Airsoft Life of Terdz

Started by Rai_Yan, August 10, 2010, 02:23:08 PM

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Airsoft based comics made by me!!!  ;D

Check it out at


Your art is good (I finally found the comic). Your jokes and references are excellent fanservice for the community you are trying to tap into (tiny and specific as it may be).

Your web page is an abomination.... an affront to all web pages on this side of the porn line of the internet.

LOL. I'm being hyperbolic of course but your site is pretty awful. If there was one piece of advice I were to give you it would be toss it and start over again with a new site.



Anyway, I took down the popping ads and those porn ads (I didn't know adbrite show those). I hope its much better now.

I am having trouble with the navigation buttons thought (next/prev)...

My 6th and 7th episode is up! Please check it out!!!


Your site is still very bad. I didn't eventually find the comics, so I'll trust Rob's opinion that they were good, but when a webcomic's site design is so bad that finding the comics is a chore, especially to the point that some can't, that's the worst thing you can do. I would suggest looking at other comics and see how they do things, namely having the comics easy to find.

Dr. BlkKnight

I have to agree. Your site's navigation is horrid.