
Webcomics beget Webcomics!

My name is Andrés del Valle

Started by Kalegiro, June 27, 2010, 10:36:23 PM

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Hey there...
As it says up there... my name is Andrés del Valle and I'm the owner of

And  This is one of the issues

I don't know what else to say...  uhmmmm... I live in México and I'm currently studying high school... I'm eighteen years old...
And I just want to draw until I die e_____eU

Oh yeah, I have a deviantArt account too...  You can check that out too


Welcome Andrés. Nice to meetcha.  ;)

Uh generally we don't have people upload images directly to the forum. I reserve that in case I need a small file from someone in the community. So when you have time take that image down and host it on Photobucket or something for me ok?

Also I fixed all your links. You added an extra set of http//: to each one. They're all set now though.  ;)



Welcome! Its always nice to gain some new blood on the boards.

I don't mean that literally.



One of us! One of us! One of us!


Quote from: Rob on June 27, 2010, 11:59:23 PM
Welcome Andrés. Nice to meetcha.  ;)

Uh generally we don't have people upload images directly to the forum. I reserve that in case I need a small file from someone in the community. So when you have time take that image down and host it on Photobucket or something for me ok?

Also I fixed all your links. You added an extra set of http//: to each one. They're all set now though.  ;)

Hey there!!!
I'll take it down, I'm sorry owoU

I still don't really know how stuff works around here (thanks for moving my other post to the right forum)

Uhmmm... do you need me to take down all images? (the facebook image and such?)


Just any you loaded to my server. And I don't need you to take them down specifically. Just host them somewhere else.

Thanks.  ;)


So the preview image of my comic was okay? 

I just had to take down the image I attached right? 
I think I did that accidentally.


Yep you're all set now thanks.  ;)

