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Infrastructure changes

Started by Chadm1n, July 14, 2010, 10:16:11 PM

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Hi All,

I will be implementing several substantial infrastructure changes over the next few days to prepare Remedial Comics servers for an upcoming blast of elevated traffic. While I do not expect any downtime for the WC forum as a result of this work, I wanted to make you all aware of the pending work as a matter of general courtesy.

Should I discover a need to take the forum offline for any reason, I will give as much advance notice as possible prior to the required downtime.

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.




A vast majority of the required changes have been made with no issues noted. There is one more change I plan to make that will have an impact on the forum. That change is still being tested and I do not have a clear idea of when it might go live. If/when it goes live, I will need to take the WC forum offline for approximately 30 minutes. As mentioned earlier, I will give as much notice as possible prior to taking the forum offline.
