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New guy here, I have a webcomic and other stuff

Started by Lehooo, July 27, 2010, 12:39:08 PM

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Hi everyone! I'm new here and thought I'd just introduce myself briefly. I have been drawing my whole life but haven't been active in any internet community until recently due to laziness. A while ago, I started two Tumblr blogs. One exclusively for my comics, and another for everything I create (comics, drawings, digital art, photos of my clay figures, a few stop-motion shorts, etc.).

I call my comics LEHOism Comics and they're located at The other blog can be found att The reason I use Tumblr at the moment is because I can't pay for the hosting to set up a proper website right now. Once I can do that, I'll launch a personal website/blog build using WordPress at

All the comics so far are in a series I call Squares and Bubbles. The attempted style of the comics is absurdism (if that is the correct term), where traditional jokes and punchlines are absent in favor of, well, the absurd and strange. I use lots of self-references where the speech bubbles and panels play an active role in the comics itself. It can be through letting one character hand another one his speech bubble, or the characters noticing that the panels are out of order. I do plan to start making a few freestanding comics and also possibly starting another or a few other series too soon.

Check it out if you feel like it.

Dragon Powered

Greetings and welcome Lehooo.  You have an oddly strange style.


Thanks! I like to think I have a personal style, but one can never be quite sure of one's judgement of one's own stuff. (That came of sounding very formal and old fashioned...)




Welcome to the board! I just checked out some of your comics, I like how you're playing around with the word balloons


Thanks! I've gotten a lot of feedback concerning the word balloons/speech bubbles. I guess I'm doing something right! :)