
Webcomics beget Webcomics!


Started by GroundChux, September 04, 2010, 10:22:08 AM

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I popped on here I think about a year ago for a COMPLETELY different kind of comic ( ), and then I went and disappeared into a cave for a while to work on Brightest. But now I want to try and emerge from the cave and interact a little more, heh.

So here's a re-introduction. Hey again. I have a comic, it's over at, it's been going on since the new year, has some NSFW scenes, and updates 5 days a week.


i really enjoy the style :D it's really awesome.


That's really good, the art fits the writing so well! I love the texture on the artwork with the colouring, is that just a noise filter or are you overlaying the flats with some sort of texture layer?


@ operationremie

Thank you!


Thanks! I'm not too fancy with textures - wish I knew how to do them better, honestly. For this I just use a couple different texture layers of noise that I lay overtop the art (but under the panels and dialogue).


Nice. Welcome back. Stick around this time.  ;D