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No New Article Tonight but....

Started by Rob, September 16, 2010, 11:23:15 PM

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One of the main reasons is I'm wasted from all the work I've been doing. I've got 3 great interviews coming up for the site on Fridays and of course the amazing Kurt Hathaway is going to continue to school us all on the great things about comics he's learned over his career.

I need to edit one of the interviewer's replies. I am awaiting answers from another completed interview and I need to consolidate and organize the third interview... but I'm getting some help from Richard of Interverse on that one so it should go pretty smooth.

Plus the call for one of my articles has finally come in so I've got to finish it up and get it off to the editor. And then there is the new job training and big test next week extravaganza. These aren't excuses. I do try and have two articles a week for you. But I have to keep priorities in order ya dig?

Thanks for your patience. The next month I think is actually going to be pretty special around here.  ;)