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New England Webcomics Weekend

Started by LukeFoster, November 04, 2010, 04:38:24 PM

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Anyone attending this year?  I'll be there all weekend, and you can find me by the big "Webcomics Community" pin I have on my satchel.


LOL. I should have gotten a pic of you with that thing.

Unfortunately I can't make WW this year. I wanted to go so badly but I just can't swing it right now. I'm swamped with work and I'm still getting over this pneumonia so I need to rest. I'm mad though because I love seeing Jeph and Danielle and Randy.  :'(


Ah crap. I wish I knew there was such a thing, I would be so there.

Oh well, maybe next year I can be an exhibitor.

Goofy Love - Like Dharma and Greg, only w/out the hippies and Scientology


Exhibitors are invite only and the group of people there are all old friends for the most part. I'm not saying you couldn't exhibit there... but it's not like you can make a call and fill out a form like a normal con. The event, as I understand it, actually takes place in the building where the business offices for Topatoco (or was it Dumbrella?) and I think Jeph has his office there as well.

My hope is to just attend... because since they started doing it Jeph, Randy and Danielle have been doing fewer New England Con's and I really like to see them every so often.


Ah, I see. Upon further investigation, I read that you can submit an application to be an exhibitor, but you must meet certain criteria, which I don't currently meet (established online for 6 months and have a substantial web presence). Hopefully, by next year, my web presence has reached a higher profile. Time will tell! Regardless, I'd likely at least attend next year to check it out and hob nob with the other NE webcomic creators.

Goofy Love - Like Dharma and Greg, only w/out the hippies and Scientology