Webcomics Community

Main Content => General Discussion => Topic started by: Cebronix on January 13, 2010, 09:14:39 AM

Title: Google Wave?
Post by: Cebronix on January 13, 2010, 09:14:39 AM
Hey guys, I don't know if you're into it or not as this forum is growing into a great place for conversations as well as articles, but I've been trying to make use of Google Wave for back and forth stuff between creators and sometimes it works pretty good when you get enough people on the wave. So if you're on, please add me to your waves about webcomics - [email protected]

Or if you're NOT on there yet, send me an email and I'll send you an invite. I've got a crapload. ok, 20 or so.
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: ran on January 13, 2010, 10:01:39 AM
I'm currently hoping that the application I sent in to get my domain's apps google wave will pan out, soon. I have regular gmail, but I just don't use it as much as I do my app e-mail, so I don't wanna waste one of your invites when it could go to someone who will get more use out of it than I will. =(
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: Rob on January 13, 2010, 01:20:13 PM
I don't know if this will affect your recruitment or not... I have to admit I have no idea what Google Wave is (and I use my GMail account for everything and have my other e-mails feed into it).... but we are working on a chat client for the site here.

As I understand it, it is nearing completion. So soon, whilst having complex posting we can say "meet me in the chatroom for a word throwdown" and it will actually mean something besides I'm crazy.

Which would be cool.  ;)
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: Matt on January 13, 2010, 02:19:57 PM
Quote from: Rob on January 13, 2010, 01:20:13 PM
but we are working on a chat client for the site here.

Shhhh! It's meant to be super secret. If word get out, who knows what could happen! Oh wait, nothing, right.
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: Chadm1n on January 13, 2010, 02:55:19 PM
Quote.... but we are working on a chat client for the site here.

These aren't the chat clients you're looking for. Move along.
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: KidGalactus on January 13, 2010, 09:40:46 PM
I don't know if this will affect your recruitment or not... I have to admit I have no idea what Google Wave is (and I use my GMail account for everything and have my other e-mails feed into it).... but we are working on a chat client for the site here.

Wave isn't chat or email or IM or a word processor or a webpage.

It's kind of all those things...but you'll see that for yourself now, I guess
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: jeffa on January 28, 2010, 05:08:53 PM
I too have invites for Wave.

I have no idea how to make good use of Wave, but I've started one up called Wacky Webcomics Wave (and other alliterations).

I've added Cebronix to it and will add anyone else who is interested.
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: Miluette on February 01, 2010, 11:15:31 AM
Google Wave - it will come in handy someday!

I have like 5 invites left.
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: jeffa on February 01, 2010, 11:50:44 AM
I think the telling thing is that we all have invites left because we can't find 20 people who are interested...
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: Rob on February 01, 2010, 12:29:01 PM
I have yet to find anyone who can tell me what it is and that sort of hinders my motivation to check it out when I'm so busy.

I have an invite though, I'll try and get to it eventually.
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: amanda on February 01, 2010, 02:14:29 PM
I admit I'm not sure really what it's for, but I'd love to check it out if someone wants to send me an invite code =D
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: ran on February 01, 2010, 02:38:57 PM
QuoteI think the telling thing is that we all have invites left because we can't find 20 people who are interested...

Then again, if a lot of your friends make webcomics, a lot of them probably have their own domain names that they'd rather be using. I'm in that boat--my e-mail is through a domain I host. i run it through google apps, but Wave isn't available for GA yet. Which is lame because I desperately want to try it.
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: jeffa on February 01, 2010, 02:52:21 PM
Ran: I just sent you an invite to your email listed on your profile. Amanda, if you want to post your email or send it to my privately, I'll send you an invite as well.

Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: Rob on February 01, 2010, 05:02:01 PM
Ran I don't know if this applies to you (I didn't entirely understand your issue) but I have e-mail directed from my website ([email protected]) but I also have a g-mail account and I actually use the gmail account for everything because its just so much more flexible with the built in chat and everything.

What I did was I set up my remedial comics e-mail for forward to my g-mail account and then I set up permissions within my g-mail account so that if I want to I can send e-mail as [email protected] from my g-mail account when I want to deal with someone as a business entity or in a fan situation.

It just takes the switching of a few settings and a confirmation or two and you can centralize all your e-mail accounts under one roof. I actually have several e-mail accounts and they all dump into my main g-mail account (except for the one I use for bills and to join websites.... that thing gets megatons of spam so I keep is separate and just go in once every couple of months and delete everything.... drives my creditors crazy because they can never get ahold of me but frankly they take up too much of my life as it is and I don't care if they are not offering life insurance with their credit card). But I can still send and receive e-mails as any of those other account holders.

Anyway, chances are you know this but I thought I would mention it.  ;)
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: jeffa on February 02, 2010, 01:16:05 PM
Really good points, Rob. I have mine set up the same way. I have a single "catch-all" account for Funzietown that forwards to my Gmail.

That way if anyone sends anything to any email address that ends in funzietown.com it comes to me via my gmail.

Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: ran on February 02, 2010, 06:30:07 PM
Quotebut I also have a g-mail account and I actually use the gmail account for everything because its just so much more flexible with the built in chat and everything

Okay...how to explain this.

My e-mail ([email protected]) is a gmail account. That's what google apps are. When I registered my mostly dead comics group's domain with my host and set it up, it set up google apps for me. It automatically made mail.sinister-squid.com, start.sinister-squid.com, calendar.sinister-squid.com and docs.sinister-squid.com, and allows me to create unique e-mails @sinister-squid.com and manage them myself, using gmail's software, but hosted by me. So for all intents and purposes, I am already using gmail. I have all the same functionality, extra stuff like google docs, calendar, reader, etc., but I have to wait behind everyone else for new features, specifically, Wave.

Since there's no way I'm going to set up a gmail account to receive e-mail from my domain's gmail account, I will have to wait...or, I would have. Jeffa sent me an invite for Wave, and I decided to try it out through google, buuuut, make no mistake, when I can host wave on my domain as part of apps, I'll be doing that.
Title: Re: Google Wave?
Post by: jeffa on February 03, 2010, 07:34:26 AM
My opinion is that Wave isn't past the try it stage any way...

A high percentage of the waves I have seen are of the "Cool! I'm in Wave! ... uh, now what do I do?" variety.

I have yet to have a really meaningful conversation in wave.

The one thing I have seen people do that I find mildly interesting is play roleplaying games. I no longer play them myself, but I can see where wave might be a good tool for doing so.