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Main Content => Upcoming Events => Convention Attendance => Topic started by: Rob on February 01, 2011, 01:11:36 PM

Title: NY Comic Con announces it will be a 4 day event in 2011
Post by: Rob on February 01, 2011, 01:11:36 PM
Here is the e-mail I received from Reed Exhibitions.

QuoteNew York Comic Con Becomes a
4 Day Event in 2011

Exhibit Hall Hours

Thursday, October 13
4:00pm - 7:00pm
(Only open to Pros, Press, VIPs and 4 Day Pass fans)
Friday, October 14
10:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday, October 15
10:00am - 7:00pm

Sunday, October 16
10:00am - 5:00pm


Jacob K. Javits Center
New York City

Hallo New York! This is Lance Fensterman giving you an update about what's going on in the world of the New York Comic Con. This week we have a paramount announcement to tell you all about what's going down at NYCC 2011in October.

NYCC to Take Place Over 4 Days

Get yourselves ready, fans, because you better believe that we will be pulling out all the stops for this year's New York Comic Con! Since NYCC was launched in 2006, we have seen more crowds, more content and more programming each year. In 2010, NYCC hosted 100,000 people over the course of 3 days!

This year to we have decided to extend the length of the show by an extra day in order to accommodate even more fans as well as provide additional programming and events. Now as a 4 day event, New York Comic Con will be an even bigger celebration of the pop culture universe filled with comics, anime, movies, television, toys and games.
The new dates for the 6th annual NYCC are Thursday, October 13 - Sunday, October 16, 2011. For the first time the show will be open to the public for 3 full days: Friday, October 14 - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Thursday's show floor hours will only be open to pros, press, VIPs and fans who purchase a 4 Day Pass. This means more hours and opportunities for fans to explore the show floor, interact with guests and check out more events!

Tickets for NYCC go on sale on February 7, 2011 starting at 12pm EST. If you want to experience all four days of NYCC, get your tickets fast because there are only 10,000 4 Day Pass tickets available.

The new dates will allow us to expand the Cultyard and New York Anime Festival, the two other shows within NYCC. This October is bound to be a monumental weekend in the world of comics, so let's get amped for all the outragity that will be going down October 13-16, 2011!

Make sure to check out NewYorkComicCon.com for more information on the new hours and dates as well as major announcements and deadlines that will be happening now until the show!
Title: Re: NY Comic Con announces it will be a 4 day event in 2011
Post by: Richard on February 06, 2011, 11:16:47 PM
This will certainly give the convention a different feel. I think Thursday is going to become pretty mellow in general with the professionals going around (and the occasional VIP who paid a few hundred for their badges) and a good day to network.

Friday on the other hand is probably going to get a lot more crazy early on in the morning... Looks like another NYCC where I'll forget to pee for an entire day.
Title: Re: NY Comic Con announces it will be a 4 day event in 2011
Post by: Rob on February 10, 2011, 12:32:06 PM
And I talked to Mark the other day and apparently the entire pay structure for all the Reed cons is changing to some kind of tiered system that sounds like it may be pretty terrible.

Who knows maybe it will work out... but it sounded to me from what he said you don't have anything to worry about because the people who are already locked in are going to be grandfathered.

But watch for prices to go up across the board with this new system. I can feel it coming.
Title: Re: NY Comic Con announces it will be a 4 day event in 2011
Post by: Richard on February 12, 2011, 02:09:16 PM
Ah that sounds like it sucks... Glad that I am already paid off. I don't know what it will mean for me in 2012 (assuming no global destruction  :P )
Title: Re: NY Comic Con announces it will be a 4 day event in 2011
Post by: Rob on February 12, 2011, 05:59:24 PM
Yeah but think about the T-shirt man.... if it does happen you could be up in heaven all rockin' the "I Died At NY Comic Con 2012" shirt.  :o