Hrmmmm....It's been a while since I've visited a forum and it was quite on accident I found this one. I needed some specifications on size for bleed lines etc and found a lovely guide by Rob here.
Reading through these posts I think this is a great community to plop my metaphorical rear and sit for a spell, and absorb all the knowledge I can. Hopefully that will be enough to bolster my drive to start and continue my current webcomic project :)
I've done quite a few webcomics since I discovered them. The idea of being my comic artist enchanted me in high school so I drew little sketches, and eventually over the years tried 5 or 6 times to do a webcomic. I usually either overwhelm myself, or miss my update, or in general let real life get in the way. So we'll see how this attempt goes :3
I'm glad to have found this site and I'm enjoying reading through the thread and looking at the webcomics I've found.
So hi :D
Hi Felixani, welcome to the board. Good luck with your new comic, hopefully this one will click for you better than your earlier attempts. If you want to talk out your concept you can ask for feedback in the Pimp Your Comic board when you're posting your link, everyone here loves talking about the craft of comics, so if there's anything you need pointers or resources for, just ask :)
Hi felixani!
RL has this nasty way of interfering with your comic making, but it can be overcome with a little tenacity. Glad to see you here. Please, feel free to ask questions! We need more active posters around here.
If I was able to continue my comic while writing my doctoral dissertation, anyone can maintain one. Then again I'm weird like that. Welcome aboard!
Haha, true true.
I actually lost internet this whole week and got a lot of work done and just have to upload and finish coding :O So soon I'll post something in the feedback area ^_^
Thanks for all the welcomes!