For those of us in Vancouver, BC, Canada (or at least on the west coast), a couple of new events have cropped up in case you haven't heard:
MiniComi is a 1 day artists market inspired by those in Japan(eg. Comiket), held on Saturday July 23rd, 2011 in the Ballroom of the Student Union Building at the University of British Columbia.
For more information:
They've just opened up applications for artists. Apply before the end of March for the cheapest table rate.
Cos & Effect
August 13-14th 2011
A new 2 day themed convention for cosplay and art/comics with a heavy anime influence. Not quite an anime convention, but definitely has some overtones. Has an artists alley that will consist of 25 tables. Applications open March 15th and close April 8th at Midnight. Unlike other cons that are first come first serve, this is an application/juried AA with 20 tables being selected from the best applicants, and 5 being lottoed. for more information