Webcomics Community

New Members => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: BaseDeath on March 17, 2011, 07:20:03 PM

Title: Hi i am BaseDeath
Post by: BaseDeath on March 17, 2011, 07:20:03 PM
Hi i am JE!

I am currently working on a web comic, still working on character designs and the main story, but i call it "Vile JE's Despicable bears of loathsome doomdumb.....even " The name is probably subject to change.. as its kind of long.. but i think its length makes it funny....?

I would like some help with developing my skills which is why i am here..

The areas i would most like to improve at are as follows,

#1 writing dialog
#2 Character development
#3 backgrounds
#4 Page layouts
#5 Color and shading
#6 Everything else..

I will post my work soon and any advice or critiques would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Hi i am BaseDeath
Post by: ShadowsMyst on March 18, 2011, 02:20:00 PM
Welcome BaseDeath!

Feel free to post questions and samples of anything and everything. I know I'll be looking forward to seeing more discussion. :)
Title: Re: Hi i am BaseDeath
Post by: Gar on March 19, 2011, 11:14:36 AM
Hi BaseDeath, welcome to the board.

Take a look around the art and writing boards, there are a bunch of topics with advice and links to resources. Take a look at Gibson Twist's Guide To Writing Well series, and feel free to request critique.

For the time being, here's some helpful sites

Here's a questionnaire for writing character profiles. http://www.creative-writing-now.com/writing-character-profiles.html

This is a good general-purpose cartoon character drawing guide http://www.karmatoons.com/drawing/drawing.htm

Here's a site with a bunch of drawing tutorials for more specific things http://www.drawspace.com/

and some downloadable books by Andrew Loomis http://escapefromillustrationisland.com/2010/01/07/free-andrew-loomis-art-intstruction-downloads/

As for the title, "Vile JE's Despicable bears of loathsome doomdumb.....even " is a bit cumbersome. It's cute, but it'll get old and it won't fit on a button. You're just going to end up calling it Despicable Bears when you're talking about it, so that may as well be the official title from the start. You can use the rest of it if there's space, but your branding's going to be Despicable Bears (Or Doomdumb Bears/Loathsome Bears/Bears...even, depending on which other word you decide to rescue).
Title: Re: Hi i am BaseDeath
Post by: BaseDeath on March 19, 2011, 02:36:28 PM
Well I'll be around..

so far it seems rather vacant here... Are certain times or days more active here?.. I kind of like that this seems to be a smaller community and from what I have seen full of really good artists... 

I especially like Gar's comic about the kittens pretending to mine for moon gold..

Thank you for the links I will be sure to use them.
I had planed on changing the name in the future.. I usually refer to it as by the main characters name Cuddlez Or Cudz .

Also I noticed you use the word Neko do you know Japanese or just that word? I have a character I call Necro Neko .. probably not the most original name.. and most likely subject to change as well.. I wont go into to much more detail about it here as I know this isn't the place to discuss such things..
Title: Re: Hi i am BaseDeath
Post by: Gar on March 22, 2011, 11:38:52 AM
It's quiet enough around here at the moment, but posts beget posts.

Thanks for the compliment :) I only know a couple of words of japanese. When I named the character I'd only seen the word neko written down, so I didn't know the correct pronounciation. His name's pronounced 'Neeko', which I later learned was the japanese word for 'smile', not 'cat'. I stick with the mispronounciation because I think it sounds cuter and it's funny because the character's a complete jerk. The japanese title for the comic would be 'Konneko Niiko' (Something like 'Kitten Niiko', with the two 'i's in there to extend the vowel sound) It's not something I really point out in the comic itself seeing as it doesn't really change anything.