Hi there. :)
I'm Aubrie. I'm slowly working on a webcomic which I'll unveil the first issue of in July, I hope. I've been talking about it for half a decade, actually writing it for a year, and FINALLY getting down to business this year. I want to get it out there in time to promote it at my Alternative Press table this fall!
In case anyone's interested, I also started a quaint lil' blog for women who do comics. It's called Greater Than Fangirl (http://www.greaterthanfangirl.com). And if you live in Northern California, I run a club for comic creators that meets every fourth Saturday in Berkeley called East Bay Sequential Artists (http://www.meetup.com/east-bay-sequential-artists). Message me if you're interested.
Thanks! Looking forward to hanging out here!
Nice to meet you and welcome. I just moved into California a couple weeks ago. I'm in San Diego though so sadly I won't be able to make your meetings.
I'm always interested in new content here so if you are ever interested in reposting any of your articles to the front page here let me know. All it pays is exposure and I'll have to do my editorial due diligence to make sure the subject matter is appropriate, true and relevant to what we do here. But I've looked at some of your entries and while some of them (like the ones that are strictly about feminism... and whether you are a feminist or not) wouldn't really go well here but many of the others seem provocative and interesting.
My move has left the front page rather stagnant but that's going to change very soon.
Either way though good luck with the webcomic. Planning it out in advance is always a great start. And welcome to the site. ;)
Hi Aubrie, welcome to the board.
Don't have time to go through your blog thoroughly (I'm at work), but I read the 'why I am not a feminist' article Rob mentioned. I've met a couple of the Malcolm X type feminists, they're severely unpleasant. Hearing about how shit men are stops being offensive after a while and just becomes boring .
Not that militant feminist isn't an archetype you can mine for comedy (and thanks for inadvertently reminding me to catch up on the Girls With Slingshots archive, incidentally). It's not one I can mine for comedy because I'm a man and don't want to get stuck defending that fact, but hey, there's a supremacist movement within every equality movement. Internal conflict within a nominally unified group is more interesting and fun to write about than everyone having the same interpretation of their objectives, right?
Anyway, I don't think a discussion on feminism would be at all out-of-place here. Talking about social issues is good exercise for anyone who wants to build a world
Is your comic going to have a strong gender-identity focus? Let's hear the pitch!