Hi everyone!
I found this place thanks to a project wonderful advert for it on our site. So advertising does work!
I'm one of three authors of the a webcomic called The Dugs (www.thedugs.com). I'm hoping that this forum will be a good resource for us to get some feedback, and also get some ideas as we push forward with our little venture.
I explained what we do in my original post, but Rob (see below) recommended that i might want to move that into 'pimp your comic'. So I will! In the meantime- Hi!
Hello there! *welcoming high five*
You rode the razors edge a bit as there is a "Pimp Your Webcomic" thread and this area is more about introducing you to the community. But that's ok. You came by it honestly and if you want to change the post to be more about you then that is why the great admin in the sky put the "modify" button there on your post.
I have to tell you the truth. As much as I loved playing baseball I'm just not a fan of sports in general; especially at the professional level. But the jokes you crank out for the Ghosts segment are pretty good (even thought I know nothing about current baseball events... other than McGuire admitting to what everyone already knew last week and only that because it made news everywhere).
I find the model for your comic with three separate author/artists fascinating though. The dynamic of the three of you working on concert like that is really something I haven't seen before in webcomics. Impressive.
And welcome to the site. ;)
Thanks for the welcome!
I think we're going to have all 3 artists log into here under the same name. For instance, I am no longer Martin! :o
My name's Eric, and I do the Tsunami comics on Mondays. Good to hear some positive feedback! I'm still working on my artistic skills (I was the guy that switched from the photo comic halfway through). Getting a Bamboo tablet has helped with that considerably. If anyone's on the fence about it, go for it.
Anyhow, I think this will be a great resource, and just wanted to say hello.