(http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w37/Quikthnkr/GUNBABY/Webcomics%20Community/webcomicscon_banner.jpg) (http://url=http://www.interversecomics.com/)
So this weekend our good friends over at Interverse Comics (http://www.interversecomics.com/) are putting on their first ever con: WEBCOMICS CON (http://webcomicscon.com/). For those of you who have been members here for awhile you know that some of us have been along on this journey ever since Richard announced the idea to us.
I did what little I could when I was still in Connecticut. Not much. Moral support. And now I'm doing the only other thing I really can. Since I'm in San Diego and once again a poor college student it's pretty much impossible for me to attend. So I'm encouraging you all to not only tell every one of your readers about the con. But do whatever you can to support Richard, Visili and all the Interverse folks. Attend if you can. Tell your readers.
Lastly let me just say congratulations to Richard who has worked tirelessly on this for a long time while still writing comics and running his comics company and attending conventions to support his comics... Basically the guy is amazing. And he named his con after our medium. The thing that makes us unique and special community. And he has earned out support.
Thanks Richard and good luck. I hope it's a wholloping huge success and when you're ready for a west coast Webcomics Con I'll be here. Ready to roll my sleeves up and help any way I can.
Oh and one other little thing. Anyone who attends please give us a full report on how it goes.
As the site starts very well but I was very impressed at all with this web site very much
want our customers to have to spend a lot more like me.