Webcomics Community

New Members => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: happykittystudio on April 12, 2012, 11:39:02 AM

Title: Longish introduction - Happy Kitty Studio
Post by: happykittystudio on April 12, 2012, 11:39:02 AM
Hello all!
My name is Lisa and I've made and published comics in various forms since October 2009. I know that webcomics are a bit of a flooded market and I didn't catch on quite the same way as Homestuck or Something Positive, nor am I one of those taken under the wing of such creators, but I'd like to think I have some readers out there besides myself. Maybe I might be the first to regularly update three separate comics while working full time (and trying to get that librarian position). Maybe I won't.

Either way, the first comic is called Project Poppet. I launched it in October 2009. This is a photocomic where I knitted most of the cast, the exceptions being two hand sewn felt frankenbunnies and a revolving door cast of plush cats that speak LOL and mistake the poppets as knitted catnip toys. The poppets are made of leftover yarn from various projects and were originally made for an Etsy shop. They turned out to be so creepy that they needed their own website. After about a year, I returned to doodling. I was bored during my tabletop games and started to make chibis of my characters. Later on they morphed into what would be the main cast of my second comic, Goober Glade, which I launched in August 2010, right around that year's GenCon. In October of that year, I entered Goober Glade in 24 Hour Comics Day, which was a lot of fun and would like to do again. I've since compiled strips into a book, which is available from Ka-Blam.com

I launched a third in January of this year, entitled "Society's Ills." This one consists of characters I've doodled on and off since I was 16. This one was a little weird to compile to webcomic form as it involved looking at my old drawings and deciding how to treat the use of pot among the cast. Also too, it brings about the furry question as the cast are walking animals. When I started, I was just someone that grew up on Tiny Toons and later, Matt Groening's "Life in Hell" books right down to the question of "will I be drawing goddamn rabbits for the rest of my life?" I'm still trying to be more subtle about the more illicit activities, focusing more on the social commentary behind it.

In the interim, I promote, update, shop them around conventions along with other craft items and artwork. Hopefully, my work pays off. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love them, but I still hope I get a return at this year's Otakon.