Ello ello ducky!
I'm Otter, aka Olivia Myers. I've been reading webcomics about 6 years, since my college days. I've always been a doodler, but early this year decided that the only way to FORCE myself to work on art REGULARLY, which is the only way to improve, was to have a good reason to do so. Hence the comic Parmeshen, and possibly another comic soon. I thought: what a great chance to bring a story to life. I thought: it'll be good practice. I also thought: this is for my improvement, I don't care if anyone looks at it or not.
Well, I thought wrong. I do want somebody to read it. Which is part of the reason I'm trying to get deeper into the webcomic community. Slowly but surely, with hints and tips from other artists, my art's improving and that pleases me immensely. But I figure sitting alone in my garret drawing won't teach me as much as I can learn if I'm also talking to others. That's the rest of my reason for joining.
Other than drawing on my computer, I'm into a load of things. I'm a half-Irish, half-native american (yes, Otter really is part of my name) jack of all trades, with a real interest in folklore, horticulture, biology, history, cultural studies and music. I'm also a geek and inveterate devotee of Dr.Who.
So, that's the basics.
Ps: shameless plug, www.parmeshentales.com