KidGalactus (;u=10) from Spencer Ranch ( gets us started with both the idea and the first bit of art... and a cool banner.
Nuke's (;u=56) submission is up this week on the front page. Go visit his comic Underling. ( The art is even more amazing than this GUNBABY submission. ;)
jeffa's (;u=42) submissions are up on the front page this week. Go visit his comic Funzietown ( and play his game here.... save Flapjack! ( Thanks Jeff.
Yamino (;u=34) graces us with this awesome piece of art which has been front paged today for your reading pleasure. Go check out Sister Claire ( it is easily one of the best new webcomics to come around in the last year. You won't be disappointed. Thanks Yamino.
Download this 1024X768wallpaper here (
Download this 1024X768wallpaper here (
Download this 2048X768wallpaper here (
This weeks submission comes from Rob. If you want to check out my comics they are Remedy ( (on hiatus but with an archive and coming back soon) and Badly Written Badly Drawn. (
I'll be the first to admit that I'm no artist. I'm also not the greatest animator or modeler in the world but I like how these came out (especially the overhead shot). Since I have the model done I'll be able to come up with new stuff from time to time when I get bored. I may just model Rabies (GUNBABY's faithful Jackelope mount) and the Holy Dyper in the future. I'm not going to come up with something every week though; and sadly this is the last GUNBABY submission in the hopper. So if we don't get anything for next Sunday we'll skip the comic submission until either someone submits something or someone comes up with a new community project to work on.
Either way, it's been fun and I thank those who have participated.
I hope you like the wallpapers. They actually aren't bad. I'm using the really big one and I kinda like it.
That last image was done by this website here ( although I don't think it came out all that great.
Since I haven't had time to polish up an article for Friday (it's been a hell of a week) I thought I would post this a few hours early.
Today's Gunbaby is brought to us by E&C of The Cutting Room (
Check out their comic. They make some good Gunbaby.