What is the best web host for creating a webcomic website?
What are your experiences? Pros and Cons for certain sites, etc?
My favorite premade host is Comic Dish. No ads, no file size limits (that I know of), and the site is near fully customizable. Downside likely for most people is that it's a quiet place.
Many people love Comic Fury. Also no ads, no file size limits (that I know of, and the site is near fully customizable. Downside is that they're... obviously participants of internet culture. I'll let you interpret that as you may.
Drunk Duck used to be one of the go-to places for hosting. But with massive black-outs and other blunders, they've fallen from grace. They also now have plenty of ads and there isn't much customizing you can do to the site nor easy ways to organize the comic pages. Forum is nearly dead.
SmackJeeves is another popular option and they seem to have maintained their standing. Customizable site, no ads if you're a member, and a robust forum. Downside is that there is a limit to page sizes.
And of course there is the elder of the lot, Comic Genesis, previously known as Keenspace. Norton Antivirus has had a grudge against them for years and I'm not sure if it ever made peace with them. I don't know what their services are like, last I heard comics were approved individually instead of just "plug and play" like the other hosts.
If you'd like to stray from specific hosts, most people go ga-ga over Wordpress with a ComicPress extension. I am not one of them. I find the scripting bloated and superfluous, the template designs very dull, and the system too prone to being hacked. But I'm a minority in that.
I personally grabbed a domain through Hosting24, found a simple CMS system I liked that wasn't well known, and went from there. Many also like Dreamhost and HostGator.
I second that! Comic Dish is a better option ( far better than any hosting platform that might annoy you with unwanted ads)