Hey everyone
I'm Stef, and I just discovered this site from Rob.
Shame what happened to the Quarterpixel site, but that just means MORE OPPORTUNITY for the rest of us. It's awesome that a site like this came along when it did, cuz the sharing of ideas, knowledge and experience is the new economy.
And on that note, I'll be sure to jump in and offer up any help I can!
as I said in my e-mail... huge, huge fan.
Love your work. And I'd love to hear about your process more because... from what I've seen in the way you create your comics you mix a lot of media together.
I remember all the updates to the car models you were making back when you were working on the current storyline. It was crazy.
I've also always wondered about a bunch of business side stuff with SZ that I've wanted to ask you about but didn't want to seem impolite.
Anyway, it's great to have you here. Thanks for coming by.
Hey Rob!
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'd be happy to answer any/all questions, though when it come to BUSINESS, SZ has none! I don't advertise, I don't sell anything, and I don't take any donations.
I FAIL at webcomics business.
But yeah, I'd be happy to share stuff I do behind the scenes to anyone interested. Sorry, I haven't explored here yet. Maybe there's a more appropriate section here for people to talk about the creative process?
Well here we are talking about YOUR creative process and this thread is about you so it's fine.
QuoteThanks for the warm welcome! I'd be happy to answer any/all questions, though when it come to BUSINESS, SZ has none! I don't advertise, I don't sell anything, and I don't take any donations.
I FAIL at webcomics business.
Actually that's one of the biggest questions I've always wanted to ask you. Why? To all that? Why no ads? Why no merch? Why no coin bucket?
Your avatar for example, represents a simple yet iconic design from your comic that would just make a KICK ASS T-Shirt. What's even more bewildering is that you have instances of (I assume it's pictures of you multiplied) characters in the audience of your SZ show WEARING that shirt. As well as the "Think Your Worst" and "Think Your best" shirts. Not to mention the dragonfly thing. It has always blown my mind that you don't go there.
But then, I'm not privy to your traffic. I think your comic is amazing but maybe it's an acquired taste. I don't know.
You can share your art process in the art section. I'd love to hear about the different types of media you mix together and how you go about it.
Hope I wasn't too forward. I've just wanted to know that stuff ever since I met you. :-[
Hi, Stef! I'll definitely have to check out your work - just the first impressions of your site were very positive.
Hi Stef! You probably don't remember me, I think I joined Eyeskream just before you left. But I still love your comic, incredibly dynamic pages. I'm glad you are still cranking it out! :)
Welcome aboard!
I'll have to check out your material when I have more time, but what I saw does look amazing.
Stef -
Checked out your site. Very cool. Loved the style and design.