I'm amateur comic book artist and concept artist, working my spare time to get better and better in what I love to do most - art and comics. Some say I got everything easier because I'm architect and partially it's true :)
Hello to all - I'm looking forward to meet new friends, get a constructive criticism as well as friendy advice :)
Mikolaj Ostapiuk
First: thanks for alle the views and visits to deviantart gallery of mine I still cannot add directly any art here (I mus find time to read "How to.." section ) so sorry and thanx for patience.
Second, but more important:
News one: Dire Destiny scriptwriter Robert Kendzie is finishing preparation to print DD Book 4, which soon will be available in physical form. You can purchase it via Lulu.com or personally as Rob is going to attend GenCon and maybe other show.
News two: you will be able also to buy Dire Destiny all books at Baltimore Comic Con in Artists Alley (table numbe yet to be confirmed). Bigger part of this news is..... that I'm gonna be there as well!!!! YAY! I've just received my US Visa and I'm taking a plane to Baltimore, to sit three days chatting, drawing and meeting all the nice people who will come by! Feel invited to stop by our table!
I have just received information that our table at upcoming Baltimore Comic Con is A169 in Artists Alley - make sure to check at our stand! We will have Dire Destiny books (including brand new tome four), mercahndise and original art pieces by me!
I will be posting my bloggy journal on Baltimore experience somewhere on social media (yet to be decided) so watch this space for future announcements.