At a loss for where else to post this, I chose General Discussion. Sorry if I made a mistake.
I'm a freelance graphics designer, Web Designer, and cartoonist, and I'm willing to offer my help on this site. As a Graphics designer, I also have some education in the realm of marketing, and consumer psychology.
First and Foremost, my priority would be getting a professional scalable site up, powered by a Drupal 6 Back end, with an integrated forum. I would also like to design some Branding imagry for the WCC. If you don't know what that is, that means a logo, and any associated images that will be used to identify something as belonging to or originating from the WCC. Finally, as I said, I have some marketing education, so I feel I could be of great help making the site attractive and consumer friendly. I have a lot of ideas, and I'm willing to help out.
So. . . What do you want to discuss first?
Start with this thread here (,8.0.html) and let me know what you think. Then we'll move on to other things.
... and thanks.