Hello everyone,
We are a team of three people based in India,
Hirek Shah, the "Innocent" Artist
Trupti Gupta, the "Fiery" Artist
Subhayan Roy, the "Lazy" Writer
We always wanted to make our own comics and here we are.
The Ink Mines is a compilation of all our crazy ideas, originating from drinking too much coffee, lack of sleep and also bits and pieces from our own life story. Currently, we have 2 running comics, "The How to be" series and the "Art Woes" series...
Here is the link to our website:
http://www.theinkmines.com/ (http://www.theinkmines.com/)
The "How to be" series is a funny comic based on the life of 5 people and how they deal with various situations such as relationships, employment, etc.
The Art Woes series is about a professional artist in India and how he goes through his career.
Thanks for reading this. Hope you like our work. Feel free to leave comments and feedbacks.