I don't have a webcomic (yet) but I like 'em anyways.
I'm an animation student.
That's all I got.
Hope not to annoy too many of you too often.
Welcome Funderbunk. What kind of animation do you do? What programs do you use? Do you have a portfolio you can link us to?
I personally work in Hash's Animation: Master and am converting my main comic over to 3D.
Hope you enjoy your time here. ;)
Yes, I'd like to see what we will contribute to this new community together. I came here thinking "take, take, take" but I wouldn't mind chatting and "give, give, give" something back, too. Welcome, hope to see your portfolio.
Hi, Funder!
Welcome Funderbunk! I dabble in 3D a bit with Modo, no animation, just building stuff to use for backgrounds in my comic. I'd like to see some of your work too!
I work in 3D Max (school license) and have some experience in Maya.
I also have experience with 2D animation programs such as Toon Boom, as well as a bit of After Effects.
Here's the most recent thing I did at my internship in 3D: http://trueneutral187.deviantart.com/art/Bakery-Dude-147776245
I only recently started learning 3D because I focused on 2D and had a bit of tunnel vision, but I learned pretty damn fast and am now planning to go for a bachelor's degree in 3D Animation & Visual Effects after I finish this course.
I actually can't (read shouldn't) show any of the stuff i'm currently working on or just finished. But I can show some of my old lessons when I was learning the program.
Your baker dude looks fantastic. Wish I could model like that. So much to learn.
I know what that's like. The only reason I could show this was because the deal with the company fell through. I hope to make some personal stuff when my internship ends. I have to commute like four hours per day to it and it doesn't leave me with a lot of time, and I've really only been doing 3D for a year.
As for learning to model, I learned everything from a friend of mine, so if you can find anyone whose better at it than you and have him give you some lessons you should improve quite quickly.
Anyway, your animation is pretty good and in the end, that's what really matters. Once you get the hang of modeling, it's gonna be quite easy. Animating something, however, will always be difficult.
I really like the animation frame you call "Cannibal Run" on your DevArt gallery (http://trueneutral187.deviantart.com/art/Cannibal-Run-96374866). It would be great to see the final 'toon!
Thanks. Here it is if you want to see it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a7TDBR4Ba8)
Sadly, it was a victim of conflicting parties. 'Too many cooks spoil the broth' as they say. 0:14 until 1:16 is the part I take responsibility for (I did everything except the music) as well as all character designs except for the lady at the end. The rest of it's other people's work after the rewrote the rest of my script.
I like the sound effects and the basic style. It's very creative. The story kinda falls apart though yeah. Sorry I know that can be frustrating. :-\
Eh, I made my peace with it. I learned a lot from the experience.
I found the snake especially amusing. Especially when he reappeared with a hastily applied bandage. LOL