I'm not really a forum person so you probably wont see much of me here. Give me a chat room and I'll hang out for days, if it has a new post sound :P
Anyhow, My name is Xade, chose for the name of the planet my comic primarily takes place on. I'm kinda a loose cannon that hurls wobbling balls that strike where they will. I've been known to have a few....moments and just tend to seem unstable but really, with a song in my heart and coffee in my cup I'm fine. Of course, currently the coffee is stale and the song sounds like a wail but that's one of the beauties of the thing we call life. If not for the speed bumps then we would never slow down.
If you think I'm rambling then you're right, its late for me, I have to get up about 2 am to deliver papers and its 6pm now so I best go off to bed. Maybe with a good night's sleep and the pain in the bum Sunday paper gone I'll be nicer and more coherent, less likely to spout crazy saying that flutter through my mind. Of course, a sane greeting coming from someone who makes a comic called Insanity of Xade sand who chose the name of Xade, thus it's a tale from her own insanity would really be more insane than a unicorn wearing roller skates (http://insanityofxade.com/index.php?id=169)!
Note, the beginning is terrible, but then again, what new comic artist has a snazzy beginning?
Welcome to the site!
Welcome Xade.
What 3D program are you using to make your comic?
We actually have a chat client coming soon. I don't know about the new post "ding" sound but I'll ask the computer people if that will happen. Maybe we can implement it. ;)
Hi, Xade! I've seen you around on DD and Hogan's site.
Quote from: Rob on January 16, 2010, 06:33:47 PM
Welcome Xade.
What 3D program are you using to make your comic?
We actually have a chat client coming soon. I don't know about the new post "ding" sound but I'll ask the computer people if that will happen. Maybe we can implement it. ;)
It was dinging while I was testing it the other day.
well, i'm before work, Hello Amanda, I remember you *glomp*
Rob, I use daz3d, just as it says in the left sidebar. I also make custom models in hexagon and have been known to dabble in Carara sometimes, which is why I have those ads there
BlkKnight, thanks!
MenZ, I'm happy to hear it. A chat client gives my wondering mind something to do besides play sims 3 on the laptop and I might even get good ideas refined into great ideas, like the improvement of my speech bubbles.
I've had some --um-mm-- issues (No, I'm not one of those issue instead of problem persons, it just applies) with another webcomic site's admin, which spawned me getting away from comic press and redesigning my site with BlkKnight's help. I won't give names or even name the site but some familiar faces here might know what I'm talking about. :P Truthfully it was the best decision I ever made because it made me a much better web designer, heck, look at my site and that nifty dropdown menu, all done in css and php. The chapter listing there is done within the comic display engine itself, If I tag it as a chapter then it will appear there thanks to BlkKnight. I really do need to find the time to finish the archive page.
Hi Xade, welcome to the site. Your comic looks interesting, I'll give it a proper look see as soon as I can. :)
well, as I mentioned if you forgive the beginning, which I am planning on improving, I am currently trying out bush making in bryce so I can replicate the bushes in the background, it can be a very good read. I'm not saying that because it is my own work, I am simply stating what others have told me. There really hasnt been much character development (again, so I have been told) but I do plan on developing Alex's character in this chapter as I take part in the 2009 Cameo Caper. Truth be told I thought Chapter two kinda developed him as a devoted father focused on doing a good job at surviving to see his kids again, an intense phobia of crowds, relaxing after his daily shower, his warped sense of humor and his techno skills, but I can see how his personality needs to be added to. Like adding in his claustrophobia, and a few other things to round him out.
It's not all 3d, and sometimes I experimented with bubble placement and stuff, which I will eventually go back and fix, but it's not a bad comic if I do say so myself.