Heya! My name is Trevor, and I've been running "Taka Comics" for over a year now. I do short stories on my website, and am willing to help with anything related to the creation of your webcomic, from starting out, to marketing, to merchandising, etc. I will also be writing articles for the site on the subject, including a multi part series about starting out in webcomics. Thanks, and see you on the forums!
And when he leads you astray, I'll be here to set you kids right. 8)
And he's a moderator. So you know he is the man. He also drew the very cool banner at the top of the page in like ten minutes. So you know he is awesome as an artist (I mean come on.... it's perfect).
Thanks Trevor. Welcome to the community and forum enslavement. ;D
Oh who invited Trevor? Boooooo!
Just kidding, buddy, you know I love you. In a manly sort of way.
I approve this man love. We are very liberal here. :o