I need some code help. I need to know how to edit the header code to make a sidesaddle logo and banner ad much like the sandy website featured on the on site review.
I just created a table in the header section of my site. The table has a single column and two rows. Here's what my header div looks like:
Quote<div id="header">
<table style="table-layout:fixed;">
<td> <a href="http://www.bigsandygilmore.com">
<img src="/logo.png"></a></td>
<td><My project wonderful code> </td
Thank you, I didn't even think about putting in table code. Also it appears when I click on your sig, the link has a second ".com" on it and bring up a search engine instead of your site.
Alright, using the table code technique I've improved the header area, added the PW ad, and added two links on the side column for Facebook and RSS. Also adds a bit of color variety to the main page.
www.swaptrick.com (http://www.swaptrick.com)
That looks great. Now both of you be real men and switch that code over to proper CSS defined div code. Shouldn't take 10 minutes, and the HTML gods won't have to eviscerate you. ;D
I'm too busy being a real man drawing comics and playing Star Trek Online thank you very much :P
I don't know if you checked multiple browser functionality but I'm using Chrome and the logo you added next to the banner is being resized so small it's impossible to read. It's like half an inch wide.
Just FYI. ;)
Yeah I noticed that too. I know its sized correctly in Firefox and Explorer, what is the remedy to something like that? Making it standard CSS code?
I hope that question wasn't aimed at me. Sorry. I take a very "turn the key and it goes" approach to computers. Ask Corvis or Chadm1n. They might be able to tell you. I have no idea. For all I know it could be tiny because you spilled shrinking potion on your computer. Or perhaps left it in the dryer to long. 8)
I figured leaving it in the dryer too long would cause problems damnit arg!
Although I am no fan of comicpress, I am wondering how you have your banner. Is it as an upload in the UCP or did you upload it and link it as a background to the div in css. I was having lots of trouble until I did the latter, back when I had comicpress.
I basically threw the code into a text widget in the header area.
that might pose to be a problem with Chrome *opens in firefox* hmm, try setting the title image size and if needed the table cell size as well. This really isnt really a cp problem, more of a compatibility problem. Netscape would probably do the same thing that chrome does.
Alright I managed to set the table size, see if that helps with other browsers. I know Opera on the iPhone no longer compressed the image.
That did it for me. Looks fine now. ;)
thank you, thank you very much, I'm here til Thursday!
name the reference and get a link to your comic on IoX's links page ^_^
Anyone already there is prohibited.
Pretty much any comedy movie ever? ... I dunno, I fail :/ Also thank you very much for the suggestions :D
I'd have to say Shrek.
Quote from: Alectric on January 27, 2010, 10:49:43 PM
I'd have to say Shrek.
and we have a winner! Give me a 200x40 banner so it fits in my layout (will take a brief look once done) and I'll link to you in the affiliates section even ^_^
Edit, hmm a tiny bit too big, can you make one for me please? I like having 3 in a row, makes for neat and easy to click on links
Thanks for the link! I could certainly use it.
Here's the banner. I spent the day making it.
The source is "www.estrangelcomic.com/images/Estrangel_200x40_link.jpg"
And it should link to "www.estrangelcomic.com"
Yay! :D
done, check the links section of my site :)
:) :D ;D
...Though the hovertext you gave it is kind of evidence that you haven't read it. It's more about a boy NOT knowing his angel.
Quote from: Alectric on January 29, 2010, 12:10:40 PM
:) :D ;D
...Though the hovertext you gave it is kind of evidence that you haven't read it. It's more about a boy NOT knowing his angel.
well, sadly, I havent had a chance to read many new comics, I've been too busy trying to do my buffer without much success. I spent all day yesterday on prop that turned out to be a waste of time :( and now I need to spend the last two days before the update on the update itself. So, no I haven't read it, only glanced at it.
I wasn't actually implying that you SHOULD read it; do that only if you want to. But I was hoping you could change the hovertext, if you don't mind. You know, when you have a free moment.
If you need to know more about my comic for that, I'm sure a quick glance at my About page would be sufficient.
since you insist I changed it, hope your happy with it. I was just very busy yesterday
"An amusing story about a guardian angel who's tired of being ignored by his boy."
Erm...close enough. Thanks! ;)