I can't really discuss why but I am looking for as many Fantasy related webcomics I can find. So if you know of any please fire off some links.
A couple I know already.
Order of the Stick
Looking for Group
Mysteries of the Arcana
Others? ???
Are we talking high fantasy or just fantasy? Um, some of these are closer to 'low' fantasy.
Digger (http://diggercomic.com/)
Dreamland Chronicles (http://dreamlandchronicles.com/)
Bardsworth (http://bardsworth.com/)
8 Bit Theater (http://nuklearpower.com/)
Demonlogy 101 (http://faith.rydia.net/)
... *cough*Underling*cough*
Sarah Ellerton's Inverloch. (http://inverloch.seraph-inn.com/)
Which is mostly great for the artwork - the story didn't appeal to me so much.
Just fantasy for now. We'll work out what is and isn't what I'm looking for ourselves. ;)
Sorry I forgot about you. It's been a long day.
Girl Genius (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com)
Dominic Deegan (http://www.dominic-deegan.com)
Garanos (http://www.garanos.com)
Footloose (http://www.footloosecomic.com)
Muse Academy (http://www.themuseacademy.com)
I used to read these:
Knights Of The Dinner Table
Fuzzy Knights Of The Dinner Table
Don't know if they are still active or not.
Knights of the Dinner Table is mostly a print comic and still active.
Let's see... on my reading list we have:
Brat-Halla (What if the norse gods were mostly children) http://brat-halla.com/ (http://brat-halla.com/)
Breakfast of the Gods (A rather dark tale staring breakfast cereal mascots. Amazingly well drawn) http://www.webcomicsnation.com/poyorick/botg3/series.php (http://www.webcomicsnation.com/poyorick/botg3/series.php)
Epic Fail (A D&D comic with a good sense of humor) http://epicfail.xepher.net/ (http://epicfail.xepher.net/)
Flipside (An excellent but NSFW fantasy comic) http://flipsidecomics.com/ (http://flipsidecomics.com/)
That's a few of them anyway.
Oh, and of course the ever slowly progressing Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes (http://goblins.keenspot.com/).
The War of Winds (http://www.warofwinds.com)
The Devon Legacy: Prologue (http://www.justnopoint.com) - this might be more towards sci-fi fantasy.
Ruby (http://www.drunkduck.com/Ruby) - plus pretty colors!
The Chronicles of Wyrden (http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Chronicles_of_Wyrden) - the art and humor are great!
Crossing Death (http://www.crossingdeath.com) - that counts, right, BlkKnight?
Dominic Deegan (http://www.dominic-deegan.com)
...Hrm, I guess I don't really read a lot of fantasy comics. I have a hard time pigeonholing 'em, anyway.
I don't really like fantasy webcomics, most of them show so little new in the genre, twelve of them make a dozen...
Anyway, I didn't see it mentioned, http://www.legendofbill.com/ (http://www.legendofbill.com/)
Brymstone: http://brymstone.net
Red Moon Rising: http://redmoonrising.org
Bold Riley: http://boldriley.com
True Magic: http://true-magic.com
Undertow: http://undertow.dreamshards.org
Tamuran: http://tamurancomic.com
BIBLE: http://biblecomic.net
Beauty and the Beast: http://www.eliseotterlei.no/comic.html
Whether or not you like fantasy, every single one of these comics is fantastic.
Both my comics are kind of fantasy-ish, but one more so: one is an invented world, not really high-fantasy, just a bunch of lands, races, and critters I made up and the ability to control elements. The other is more relationship/action focused. The fantasy comes as an added bonus!