Hi there, apologies if I ramble or anything, I'm rather tired but I'm posting anyway.
My name is Mike, I do The Cow (www.thecowcomic.com.) It's a superhero comedy comic inspired by everything from The Tick to The Venture Bros. to the Justice League International era of the Justice League comics. And yeah, it started out as a parody of The Crow, but its really kind of come into it's own.
I started doing webcomics in 2003. Sockpuppet Asylum ran for about three and a half years (and 1000 comics, give or take,) before I got frustrated of making every rookie mistake possible, I scrapped it and rebooted with a new version of Sockpuppet Asylum. While there were less problems, I felt like I was retreading old material. Every October in Sockpuppet, my main character told a story about a superhero, The Cow. I had so many ideas for superhero stories, I scrapped Sockpuppet again and went to work on The Cow and it's been the most fun I've had yet.
When I'm not staying up obscenely late to ink new pages, I work at a grocery store (recently ranked the #3 best company to work for in the country) and . . . well, to be honest, that's about it. Oh, and I met Trevor (of TakaComics) a few years back because I mistook him for my girlfriend. It was . . . awkward . . . . We don't speak about it . . . . Er, what I meant to say was that I know Trevor (of TakaComics) and when I checked out his articles, I decided to hop in and join the forum. I tend to lurk, but who knows, I might actually shoot off my mouth from time to time.
Soooooo, yeah . . . comments? Questions? Pointing out hugemongous spelling errors on my part?
You should have said "I know Trevor through friends" and left it, but your intro works too! Glad to have you here!
Welcome! Your comic looks pretty good!
Quote from: TakaComics on January 28, 2010, 12:23:11 AM
You should have said "I know Trevor through friends" and left it, but your intro works too! Glad to have you here!
I know, but I figured I'd start out making an idiot out of myself, thus setting expectations low.
Welcome to the party. Any friend of Trevor's...
Probably mistook him for their girlfriend.
Quote from: Rob on January 28, 2010, 10:21:12 AM
Welcome to the party. Any friend of Trevor's...
Probably mistook him for their girlfriend.
Just to let you know, "Oh god, you're a dude!" became a catchphrase at a con we both tabled at. :P
I love your art style.
It's what my comic would look like if I could draw! ;)
I'm a big fan of black and white. Are you inking digitally or with brush/pen?
Hey Trev, with the new haircut, I am no longer mistaken for a woman! . . . . Instead, I'm mistaken for a 15-year old and carded at R rated movies . . . (And for alcohol, if I ever drank . . . )
And I ink with Micron and Sharpie markers. I do my pages in pencil, then trace them on a new piece of paper with a lightbox (easier than cleaning up scans, I've found.) The only thing I really do on the computer is panel borders and lettering. Oh, and coloring whenever I color (usually just chapter covers.)