Hi, I'm Matt.
I'm a cartoonist, but one of those ones that hasn't got a website yet, nor started posting comics onto the intarweb. I work with traditional materials like some decent paper, a non-photo blue pencil and a brush pen. I bet you crazy Wacom people don't even recognise those words as English. I'm also a programmer, I write in Python, and I'm developing a comic management system (with the Django framework, if anyone cares).
I'm also British.
Hey there, Welcome to the Community. When you're ready, we'd love to hear about your plans!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Quote from: DizzyDoo on January 08, 2010, 03:12:16 AM
Hi, I'm Matt.
I'm a cartoonist, but one of those ones that hasn't got a website yet, nor started posting comics onto the intarweb. I work with traditional materials like some decent paper, a non-photo blue pencil and a brush pen. I bet you crazy Wacom people don't even recognise those words as English. I'm also a programmer, I write in Python, and I'm developing a comic management system (with the Django framework, if anyone cares).
I'm also British.
Oh, I too know the love that is the non-photo blue pencil. I never could master a brush though. I use to do my inking with Micron markers. Now I use my Wacom :) But I still do most of my penciling with actual pencils and bristol board. I like to combine the traditional and digital methods.
Yes, welcome, welcome. I seem to remember that our friends across the pond have it particularly difficult over there because of the severe lack of conventions in the UK (or have I been misinformed?). I know I'm a huge Warren Ellis fan and never miss a Freakangels update.
If you are looking for tips on getting started man have you come to the right place.
I've been at it just over a year and I can now tell you a whole bunch of stuff you shouldn't do ...
most that I did already...
Anyway, as I said, welcome welcome. Make yourself at home. ;)
Quote from: Rob on January 08, 2010, 03:21:54 AM
Yes, welcome, welcome. I seem to remember that our friends across the pond have it particularly difficult over there because of the severe lack of conventions in the UK (or have I been misinformed?).
Cons... don't exist over here. I think there are a few comic type gatherings, but I imagine they are so alien to you Americans that they shouldn't really be called a con.
Quote from: Mike Wytrykus on January 08, 2010, 03:21:30 AM
But I still do most of my penciling with actual pencils and bristol board.
Another sad thing about being British, there are about 5 shops in the entire of England that sell Bristol board, and shipping is pretty expensive, so we have to make do with other brands of paper. Sad times.
But at least you get to watch Dr. Who before us! Well, legally any way.
Quote from: DizzyDoo on January 08, 2010, 03:33:59 AM
Another sad thing about being British, there are about 5 shops in the entire of England that sell Bristol board, and shipping is pretty expensive, so we have to make do with other brands of paper. Sad times.
I typically use either the Strathmore brand of Britstol board (smooth) or Blue Line Pro comic strip artboards. Last con I went to had a great sale on Canson's Fanboy brand of comic strip art boards so I bought a bunch of those. I'm surprised England doesn't have better art supply stores. Chicago seems to be littered with them.
Quote from: Mike Wytrykus on January 08, 2010, 06:09:32 AM
I typically use either the Strathmore brand of Britstol board (smooth) or Blue Line Pro comic strip artboards. Last con I went to had a great sale on Canson's Fanboy brand of comic strip art boards so I bought a bunch of those. I'm surprised England doesn't have better art supply stores. Chicago seems to be littered with them.
It's not a question of quality. I live in a mid-sized town here in the south of England, and I have access to an excellent independent art shop. Strathemore Bristol board is a decidedly American brand, and only a few places seem to import it. We certainly do have Canson bristol board around, but whenever anyone says 'Bristol Board' to me, it always makes me think of Strathemore, which is really the famous brand.
Ooh. There's so much here that I can relate to.
I'm British too. Welsh actually. And I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who.
I know exactly what you mean about supplies, although I've always been quite happy to use Bleedproof Marker Pad paper for my finished work - I like that the shiny surface keeps the ink wet for longer. Not that I've nailed all of my supply needs yet; I haven't been able to track down a single supplier who can get hold of a 'proper' Kuretake brush pen over here (all that seems to be available are double ended plastic disposables and the such-like) so I'm having to use a Pentel refillable which looks like it might not be that easy to refill soon either.
Ah well. These are all minor concerns to my main one, which I think is best left to my own intro thread.
Jonjo, take a look for a Pentel FP10 brush pen, I recommend them quite highly.
Quote from: Matt on January 08, 2010, 01:41:23 PM
Jonjo, take a look for a Pentel FP10 brush pen, I recommend them quite highly.
Thanks, Matt.
I'm not entirely sure but I think I might be using one already. I got my first one in Cornellison's for £11.25 and then, when my initial set of four cartridges began to run out found a replacement for £5.50 in CassArts in Charing Cross. I'm hoping I can get a Kuretake brush pen when my current batch of cartridges die on me. I checked them out after seeing Dave Kellett's little video about how he does Sheldon; they look really good.
Of course, this is all academic if I can't figure out how to write decent jokes (the ones with punchlines that make you laugh).
Three Brits so far and counting. If we get a few more of you you guys can form your own convention over there. How cool would that be?
And art supply discussion should be held in the art sections so everyone can see. I have other friends from Britian and from what I've learned you guys need all the help you can get over there pooling resources. It would be a shame if a new UK member came along and didn't see this useful advice on things that work good, don't cost an arm and a leg, and are available in the UK.
Welcome Matt. What is this "paper" you speak of? ;D
Welcome to the forum! Although I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out some of these weird Brit words like 'paper' and 'brush pen'. ???
Ah, seriously though, hope you find this place helpful and that you have a good scanner so we can all see your stuff :D