Webcomics Community

New Members => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: Swinsea on February 01, 2010, 06:46:05 PM

Title: Hello, There
Post by: Swinsea on February 01, 2010, 06:46:05 PM
I've been making comics for many years, and my newest and most ambitious endeavor yet has made it to the internet! Visit the link in my signature to check it out! I'm always looking to improve and talk with other creators, so hopefully this forum will help with that.

A little about me... I'm a history nerd and am about to graduate with a degree in Communications & New Media. I enjoy drawing pretty girls and creating websites, both of which I do pseudo-professionally.

And it's a pleasure to meet you!
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Alectric on February 01, 2010, 07:51:10 PM
Quote from: Swinsea on February 01, 2010, 06:46:05 PM
I enjoy drawing pretty girls and creating websites, both of which I do pseudo-professionally.
That sounds awesome.

Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Rob on February 01, 2010, 08:40:10 PM
Welcome. Glad to have another amazing artist and web nerd here. Never enough of those.

I especially like the style in which you are doing the covers although the actual comic is very nice as well.

I am surprised that a web person is breaking so many common webcomic website rules. But maybe like me, you decided to say "the heck with the rules!" and do your own thing.

I have recently bowed to the rules and am redesigning my site. But if this is the case I salute your rebel spirit!

What university are you attending?

Again, welcome.  ;)
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Swinsea on February 01, 2010, 09:07:35 PM
Thanks for the welcomes!

I do like that style more than the one I'm doing for the pages, but I don't have the time it would take to do it that way. I have the simplified style for most of the chapters, but detail will vary depending on the mood and importance of the scene. It'll be subtly experimental. : )

Since I have a mirror at Drunk Duck where I can do the usual comment and archive systems I figured it wouldn't hurt to do the actual website however I want. It's definitely a work in progress and will probably change in a few months, though - I'm working on a simple content management system in my PHP/SQL class specifically built for comics which I'll incorporate in a more standard-looking site later (looks like a lot of people here are doing that, huh?), as well as incorporating the blog instead of having it separate. I want to do it all myself and avoid stuff like Comicpress, even if it is really handy.

I'm just attending a community college at the moment, nowhere exciting. I'm looking to transfer after I graduate to expand my degree, though, so who knows this fall!
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Rob on February 01, 2010, 09:55:45 PM
I graduated with my A.S. from Norwalk Community College and went on to finish my B.S. at Western CT State. So I'm right there with you.

All that database stuff. You should talk to Chadm1n our humble senior administrator here. He designed/coded Remedial Comics' entire back end (I just screwed up the design) and created the archive, flash viewer, and all the integration from scratch.

Our blog, like the front page here, actually pulls from a hidden admin board here on the forum. It gives me the idiot proof (me being the idiot... at least about computer stuff) text editing and text inputting tools of a forum for my blog.

The two biggest rules I see you breaking are a splash page in front of the comic and your navigation (you didn't solicit criticism so I hope you aren't offended by me offering it). Splash pages, especially those as complicated as yours can make it hard to find the comic. I know I had some trouble and ran down the wrong path twice before I got it. Also, the comic itself is nice in the viewer you have but the nav buttons are not readily apparent. It took me a minute to figure out where they were and how to use them.

Don't feel bad about the nav buttons though. I'm guilty of the same error. I wanted to make my entire archive viewable from comic to comic without any scrolling so I put the nave buttons on the side of the comic. Although it is functionally superior people hated it and complained all the time.

So now they are going underneath like everyone else's.

But you do what you want. It's the best way to learn.  ;)
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Swinsea on February 01, 2010, 10:14:55 PM
I love constructive criticism, so I'm very glad to hear it. I definitely should make the path to the comic clearer. As for the viewer, someone else has mentioned that as well - I'll figure something out. Thanks! Anything else you have, whether it's about the website (I know there are some bugs and it's definitely a work in progress) or the actual comic, I'd love to hear.

I've focused in graphic design software at the school I'm currently enrolled, but originally started in illustration and am tempted to go back to it. I'm getting my AAS, and since it's a tech school they focus more on the tools than the creative implementation of them. I've applied to Montserrat in Massachusetts, where I'll do a self-designed major including all of those things (if they give me nice scholarships, that is).
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Dr. BlkKnight on February 02, 2010, 01:19:43 AM
Quote from: Swinsea on February 01, 2010, 09:07:35 PM
Since I have a mirror at Drunk Duck where I can do the usual comment and archive systems I figured it wouldn't hurt to do the actual website however I want. It's definitely a work in progress and will probably change in a few months, though - I'm working on a simple content management system in my PHP/SQL class specifically built for comics which I'll incorporate in a more standard-looking site later (looks like a lot of people here are doing that, huh?), as well as incorporating the blog instead of having it separate. I want to do it all myself and avoid stuff like Comicpress, even if it is really handy.

First off, welcome to the site.

So you're working on a comic CMS, too. I'm almost tempted to compare notes or offer to team up or something.
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Swinsea on February 02, 2010, 08:06:14 AM
Thanks! I'm not fit for any of that yet, we'll see in a few weeks... I'm still learning right now. Perhaps in the future, though... ; )
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: amanda on February 02, 2010, 10:37:30 AM
Haven't I seen you around DeviantArt, maybe?
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Swinsea on February 02, 2010, 12:55:22 PM
Maybe! I'm at swinsea.deviantart.com. What's yours?
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: amanda on February 02, 2010, 02:24:41 PM
I think you made The Dreamer meme!
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: JGray on February 02, 2010, 03:20:48 PM
I like your comic and have subscribed to your RSS feed. I'm not as crazy about the format, to be honest, but it is easy to navigate.
Title: Re: Hello, There
Post by: Swinsea on February 02, 2010, 04:24:14 PM
I totally did! I saw your dress designs for Liz a week or two ago, very nice. : )

And thanks, JGray! It's definitely becoming more apparent that a new website would do my comic some favors. Maybe I'll play around with some new ideas.