Webcomics Community

Main Content => Web Design => Critique My Site => Topic started by: JGray on February 02, 2010, 09:49:30 AM

Title: MotA
Post by: JGray on February 02, 2010, 09:49:30 AM
I'll put Mysteries of the Arcana up for the slaughter. :) I've found people tend to either like the site or hate it.
Title: Re: MotA
Post by: Xade on February 02, 2010, 03:02:09 PM
i dont even have to visit the site to know I like it cause I visit it at every update you do :D
Title: Re: MotA
Post by: JGray on February 03, 2010, 08:02:50 AM
Thank you, Xade. I can't tell you how happy I am that you enjoy MotA. :)
Title: Re: MotA
Post by: Xade on February 03, 2010, 09:27:14 AM
well, long as you enjoy IoX as much as I enjoy MotA then we're dead even.
Title: Re: MotA
Post by: Rob on February 04, 2010, 06:48:24 PM
If we are speaking strictly from site design I'd say you have a winner.

I don't think there is a whole lot you can change without changing everything.

I can tell you the things that pop out at me as a user but once again, I'm not sure these are things you necessarily want to change as they would mess with the flow and theme you have developed which seems to be working fairly well.

The page as a whole is a little busy. You have many little blocks which are all crying for attention. Things like your donate, commission and something extra (vote for MotA) units are all much larger than one usually sees on other sites and their size and placement detract from the comic and draw the eye away.

Your social networking box for example is unnecessarily huge. But it is necessary because of the size of the other boxes above it.

Which brings me to the comic. I wish it was bigger. It seems a little small off to the side; crowded by the other boxes.

I don't know what CBox is... but it should be in one of those bigger boxes. It looks out of place because it isn't framed. Also, no Twitter feed? I know you have the icon but you don't actually display your tweets?

The blog is the least interesting thing on the page. The font looks dull and uninteresting. I've never said this before but I think the font point you are using is actually too big. The lack of any style and the slate of white space in relation to the rest of the page which is stylized and colorful makes it look dull. If it were me I'd throw the gold border around it and change the formatting so only the most recent blog shows up with back and forward buttons for older blogs (although the archive button works it is a little less user friendly than a back forward buttons setup).

Your header with nav buttons is really really nice and really well put together. When you become more succesful the lack of prime (expensive) ad space up there is absolutely going to wound you but it's a stylistic choice and a good one. As I said in the beginning, it works.

Your cast page is ok. However I think the fact that you have cards made for many of your characters and that your theme involved a Tarot "deck" is a missed opportunity. If you could code the flash a "dealt" tarot reading with known characters turned up and unknown characters still face down would look pretty cool. Click on a known character the card get's bigger and you see the info about that character when the card flips to the back.

I like the videos in the about page. Nice touch. The about page module, with a smaller font and maybe some color more relevant to the comic would make a better blog module than the one you have on the front page.

Everything else looks pretty good although I'm a bit confused about the "login/register" buttons... are they just to comment on the blog? Because that seems to be a bit of overkill. And the forums... are they yours? What is 910CMX? When I click on it it just goes to a coming soon page but it leads me to believe that you are not running your own forums somehow.

Lastly I know the header banner takes you home but a home button wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Took me a moment to figure out and users can be unforgiving sadly.

Anyway, that's all I've got. It's free advice and worth what you pay for it. Personally if I were you there isn't much I would change. The blog module maybe but that's about it. For the most part it's a pretty great site.  ;)

Title: Re: MotA
Post by: JGray on April 13, 2010, 05:17:17 PM
I offer up the new and different MotA site for slaughter.
Title: Re: MotA
Post by: Beyla on May 22, 2010, 10:39:53 PM
Dogg, I hope you know that "mota" is slang for marijuana.  By using the acronym in your promotions you could be sending a sort of message you ain't wanting considering the content of your comic man, or maybe you do.  I cannott unfold all them layers of mystery within the magical spaghetti maze of your brain is the point here.

I ain't saying.  I'm just saying.  Considerations are to be had.
Title: Re: MotA
Post by: JGray on May 23, 2010, 07:23:57 AM
Eh. Somehow, I doubt that'll be a problem.
Title: Re: MotA
Post by: Rob on May 23, 2010, 08:33:13 AM
Quote from: Beyla on May 22, 2010, 10:39:53 PM
Dogg, I hope you know that "mota" is slang for marijuana.  By using the acronym in your promotions you could be sending a sort of message you ain't wanting considering the content of your comic man, or maybe you do.  I cannott unfold all them layers of mystery within the magical spaghetti maze of your brain is the point here.

I ain't saying.  I'm just saying.  Considerations are to be had.

I'd like to take a moment to recognize and congratulate Beyla for making the craziest post to date here on the forums. You have my respect and admiration and I only hope I can live up to this high standard you have set in the future.  ;D