I blame D.Z. for making me join this place. I'm gonna fail so
hard at keeping up with it I bet 8(((( *waste of space*
But I will try, nevertheless...
So...yeah, I'm Heather, moreso known as Hchano or just H.
In fact you can just call me H cos it's easier to remember 8D?!
[in retrospect, maybe i should have called myself teh h...]
I write and draw a webcomic called dream*scar (http://www.dream-scar.net) that... I
think is eventually is going to kill me because it's so long 8(
It's something I have been picking at since 1998, but the
comic version is less than a year old xD I am sorta using it
to practice some stuff I suck at [like backgroundshfsdjfhjsd].
Uhm...maybe that's enough... I should really sleep but I been
working on a page that literally has me in tears laughing [finally
introducing a character I've wanted to introduce since i started
working on it lmao...ohh sweet satisfaction 8D]
Welcome H. Nice artwork on some of those interior and exterior backgrounds. I hope you have time to check back now and again. ;)
Hi! You have a very lovely style!
I'm gonna try really hard 8(!! I'm horrible at promoting, so this really
does seem like toe best way cos all I gotta do is hang out and make
some friends who maybe do the same thing as me XDD
Def no downside to it :'D
Hi Heather - always nice to see new and smily faces =D
Wow, your artwork is spectacular! I really like the comic. I wish it had an RSS feed... :-[
Yeah everyone needs to go read hchano's comic like RIGHT NOW. ^^
(is much better than mine but she won't admit it)
Dohhh...is the RSS broken? I'll have to bug my fiance to fix it LOL.
Thanks for checking my comic out guys, it makes me cry happy tears D:
and shut up red, your charas blow mine away. I adore them LMAO.
My bad, I just didn't see it hiding down at the bottom of the page. And the browser didn't pick it up, so I assumed you didn't have one.
+1 Subscribers!
(You might want to make the button more prominent).
Yeah I am due for a new layout soon..it'll be a year old in
May afterall xD This layout was cool in theory but it's not
very functional D: It would be nice to have a static place
for my vote button since I just html it every time into the
input field my fiance made lol.